I've heard differing opinions on the topic but using codes, kinda the same way HAMs use Qcodes for shortening communications, could you integrate basic shorthand for your family into an emergency preparedness plan? I'm pretty sure if you need your Emergency plan you won't really have to much time to worry about the FCC. Practicing shorthand Like fire and rescue/police officers and so on in your family I'm thinking may be a bit of a problem because you don't have a way to post it on the web it may be considered encryption instead of data packets. I know you can send encrypted mssgs over Cellular networks and that's just a higher frequency so is it an outdated law? if you're not causing interference I don't see the problem but it seems to be a sensitive subject and in the case of say a violent mob using radio to monitor say Bernie Sanders supporters, you really can't effectively organize an egress out of a dangerous area.. and practice makes perfect so I would say the ability to practice is pretty important.. Just looking for input. and not a Mittens or B. Sanders fan.