I read in one of the forum posts that this was a great radio for use as a GMRS base radio at home or mobile radio in my truck. Wanted to get some opinions on what else I would need to track down to get it operational. It seems to be just the unit itself without any mic or installation wiring harness, etc. and I really don't want to create a problem for myself. Also, I would obviously need to program it so I would need to know what software and data cable it needs. https://www.ebay.com/i/233034704225?ul_noapp=true Basically I want more GMRS power (like 40 watts) in a radio that is legal for part 95 compliance. Any tips on any other good rig that would be legal to operate with more power would be awesome as well. There seems to be much debate around this topic about what is legal, so I am really in the dark here. I think the 4 watt power limit only applies to hand helds, is that correct?