So has anybody been monitoring the local GMRS channels, and the Ham bands? I remember a few years back when various protests were going on hearing local chatter on the Ham bands, a protest by the General Dynamics tank plant, on 70cm. Then believe it or not on some of the commercial business frequencies too! It seemed another protest was also ongoing at the same time. That one the protesters were using a local mall to park and get organized and the mall security there was keeping an eye on them. You can get live up to date news on what's happening without having to wait for the "filtered" coverage from the media. This is really a safety issue. The mall protest was only about 15 minutes by car from my home so yes it was of big interest to me. If it wasn't for the chatter on the radio I wouldn't have had any idea it was happening.
People frequently mention getting into GMRS for emergency reasons, well trying to stay ahead, and away from, any potential trouble I think qualifies.