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Found 4 results

  1. From the album: My GMRS radios and related gear

    Base Station Solution and backup mobile Wouxun KG-XS20G+ LycoGear Heavy Duty Metal AMPS Hole Pattern ELD Drinks Cup Holder Mount BTECH RPS-30M 13.8v 30A Switching power supply Jebsens USB C Car Charger Adapter with Voltage Display Retevis GMRS Base Antenna installed in the attic (Elevation 801 ft above sea level) TWAYRDIO TC-YG05 5 element YAGI antenna on a RCA Outdoor Antenna Rotator with Remote VH-226F Daiwa CS-20 switch Tripp Lite IBAR2-6D Isobar 2 Outlet Surge Protector Power Strip (Not pictured) HT Charging Station: 2x Wouxun KG-935G+ Handhelds in their charging cradles 2x Simple Touch C30004-Multi-2P Auto Shut-off Mult-Setting Safety outlets
  2. My first thread here and the situation is that I am going back and forth between the KG-UV9GX and the KG-935G Plus trying to decide which one I want to clip to my belt and would like some input to further confuse myself. I have watched a couple of Randy's videos but I still find myself asking my Dobermans if they have a favorite and get nothin'
  3. Now this may not be news to some of you, but... One of the things I can't stand with some of the radios, is that they come hard coded with all of the GMRS 'channels' (including the annoyingly occupied 'bubble pack' channels). In the really cheap radios, you're kinda stuck with these as, other than the CTCSS settings, they cannot be deleted and/or altered. If you're lucky, there are a few memory locations for custom channels, but you're still stuck with all 30 of the hard coded channels. From the factory, the KG-935G also has all of these default channels. However, unlike many of the radios, these default channels can be deleted and the memory space used as one desires! A big plus in my book, because I have just a couple of systems I routinely use and, I hate having to scroll through a list of unwanted channels just to get to the ones I actually desire. Sure, I can put up to 999 channels in the thing, but does anybody really want or need that? So now, as I rotate the channel selector knob, it goes through the few systems I have and then returns to the first channel in the list! Much better than feeling like I'm winding up an alarm clock to find the system I want! Additionally, I've discovered that the scan lists, with the exception of #1, can be customized, another perk IMHO. This is where a better, more detailed manual, would be nice, instead of having to experiment with the software! FWIW!
  4. Well, after watching many reviews on this radio, I decided to get one, actually two of them. Both radios arrived intact, but oddly enough one (radio) box was moderately damaged, yet the bigger box that the two radios were shipped in was undamaged. I can only surmise that somebody at the dealer packed a damaged, or actually damaged, the one radio box. Enough about that, the radio itself was again, undamaged (Thankfully). Shipping issues aside, my first impression of this radio is "WOW". I have owned many different radios in my days, but this one is extremely nice. So much so, I wanted to see if Wouxun makes a version of this radio for amateur radio (they do!) and I am thinking about it. To be sure, I have not been a fan of Chinese radios, but this one is, IMHO, a standout exception. I dunno, perhaps after the big FCC stink about Chinese radios, Wouxun at least, seems to have their act together on this one. I did do a power output check, but rather than say something stupid that isn't true, I'm going to rerun the test with better equipment before saying anything, as I don't trust the meter I used at the time. Programming is straightforward using either the menu system on the radio or the software. I did however, find some quirks with programming. Some items, such as the programmable function (side) buttons can be changed through the menu system on the radio. However, those changes only seem to take with the PC software. Some did take, but then could not be reverted back to their previous settings via the menu system. Not all the settings to be sure and, it isn't (to me) a big deal as I prefer the PC software to the menu. But it is a quirk just the same IMHO. Additionally, and perhaps it is something with Windows, the PC software only recognizes/lets the user select com port 1, despite having a listing of choices of com port. I don't know if it the software, or yet another Microsoft bug. Nevertheless, this issue was easily overcome by manually changing the assigned com port in windows. All that said, this is a damn good radio for the price! I wanted a 'legal' GMRS radio, but this one's features leave me wishing it could transmit throughout the receiving range! It really is that nice. ?
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