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Found 6 results

  1. I am new to G-world and am programing my 3 radios. I have made a bunch of requests for entry/codes as aprt of my repeater setup. I have had really good luck on most of these requests, but have 2 outstanding for a few weeks which have remained unsnswered. Two questions.... 1) What is the general etiquette on this? The system doesn't allow any follow up until a decision is made, so not sure how to address these. and 2) I am in Eastern Mass and am really interested ingetting access to CMA 725 in Paxton and greg WSDQ286 in Norton...they are both very spacious in their coverage. Do any users have any inside info on these two assets and how to politely approach my problem. If it's just the way it goes that some you get in and some you don't, so be it, but doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the help. WSFE 677 Milton, MA
  2. Hello Internet. I'm trying to use 2 Motorola CDM1250 radios for a repeater configuration with a motorola RICK, and I'm having a difficult time trying to get the cables from the CDMs to power and control the Rick. I know the rick and cables work because they came out of my working GR300, but they won't now. I'm confident it's some settings in the CPS but I've played around with it extensively and I've became exasperated. There's some magic setting I'm missing. Does anyone have an idea? **Pin 4 and Pin 12 on the RX radio is set because I want to use the RICKs knockdown feature where if I transmit a DTMF tone, it'll kill the TX repeater with ignition sense.
  3. Wanted to know if any of you have some suggestions on a home repeater I set up for GMRS. I got a VXR 7000 and I got the duplexer pre-tuned to the freq pair I need and even checked it with VNA and it appears good. The issue is that I cannot get any significant transmit out. I am measuring about 20w after the duplexer and SWR is 1.1 with the equiv of LMR400 coax. I can receive about 8 miles or more in a suburban neighborhood - but only seems to transmit about 1/2 mile... Any ideas what could be the issue? I am at a loss...
  4. So I have had some people swear up and down that LMR-400 should not be used on a repeater. That after some time the sensitivity will degrade and it "will cause noise". Now for what I use mine for, it is probably good enough. But I have researched a little bit, and found that yes, for repeaters that experience heavy use this could eventually become an issue. However, it seems that is the case for regular LMR-400. I have found that this noise is actually from wire braid coax, and that you can actually buy LMR-400 that isolates the the two shields so the wire braid is not touching the foil, and does not cause the noise. My question is, is this a serious enough problem for the average repeater owner to even care? My opinion is no.
  5. Hi you all-- newbie here.... I'm a paid member, but I don't see where to find the repeater info (including codes) of the Flagship-675 in Jasper, GA. It's on this website, right? Could someone point me in the right direction please? Much appreciated!!! ?
  6. So I live in Glenburn Maine. I have my GMRS license. There use to be a repeater that I use to use. But the repeater is no longer available. I would like to build a repeater in central Maine where I live. I was thinking about building one. Have it setup in my bedroom at my parents house. This is something that I have not done before. But I would run a antenna through my window and put it on the roof of my house. My bedroom is on the second floor of my house. I have a metal roof so if the antenna is magnetic it would be good because as I was told by other operators in my area that the metal becomes a ground and it will help the antenna. The antenna would be angled towards the lake as my roof is angled. My house is kind of on top of a hill. It is near pushaw lake. My goal is to have the repeater reach out to 50 miles or more. I would like to have this open to the snowmobile riders around to be able to use it for emergency in the winter and also be able to have them communicate with local snowmobile clubs about trails. Also use them for fishing events as well. Any suggestion on what frequencies and pl tones I should use? As well as what radios I should use for the repeater and antenna?
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