Hello All, I recently purchased the connect bundle from the store and have it running successfully on a repeater (New Baden 625). I have started a project where I would like to move the software off of the Raspberry Pi and onto a local VM Host where I have installed the ASL software into two separate VMs. My end goal is to have the myGMRS link go to my GMRS repeater (625) and an ASL node in a separate VM go to my Ham Repeater so that I can have the best of both worlds. In an effort to ensure that there is zero chance I cross-linking, I wanted to touch base with the professionals here to determine if there is anything other than copying the contents of the /etc/asterisk folder over to the new install and firing things up? Are there any other folders or scripts that need to be modified to move mygmrs from Raspberry Pi to a debian VM? I will be running both repeaters on dummy loads until I am certain that there is no possibility of cross-linking. Thank you for your assistance. Bob Riddell WRJP808/KC9AEC