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Found 14 results

  1. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    © PACNWComms

  2. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    Had to add some gear for UHF comms for an upcoming air show. So, P25 gear rigged for UHF. Work feels like cobbling together all sorts of gear to get something that works.

    © WROL355

  3. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    © PACNWComms

  4. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    Laird 450 to 470 MHz antenna, and magnet mount New Motorola style base, with mini-UHF antenna connector. Great combination for Motorola mobile radios and GMRS use. 450-470 MHz antennas have their sweet spot right where GMRS frequencies lie.

    © WROL355

  5. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    2004 Pontiac Grand Prix with antennas on the rear window and trunk lip. Rear window was the factory On-Star antenna, which was removed once that service was no longer free.....left the nub of the mount though. Going right to left on the trunk lip, a small XM satellite antenna is shown, then a NMO (New Motorola) trunk lip mount with Laird UHF Phantom antenna for commercial UHF/GMRS use. Phantom antenna was connected to a UHF Vertex VX-3200 mobile. Last is a NMO VHF whisker style antenna, connected to another Vertex VX-3200 mobile. The VHF I started with was a Sti-Co, but someone must have noticed what it was and took it at one point. I then began to use cheap 5/8 wave VHF antennas bought in bulk from Tessco that were never stolen. I found this interesting as the UHF Phantom style antenna was the most expensive, but looked cheap and ineffective.

    © WROL355

  6. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    RoIP rack with VHF commercial, VHF Marine, and UHF commercial radio frequency programming, for use with Telex/Bosch Communications IP-223 IP interface devices. This allowed computers running Telex C-Soft software to remote control the radios via an Internet connection. This rack ended up in an emergency communications package, installed within a conex box, which was then sent to hurricane/oil spill/and exercise response efforts. The UHF equipment was capable of being programmed for GMRS and interoperable comms with local auxiliary communications services spread around the country to assist first responders. However, all of this is analog, and was used near waterways, hence the marine radios. All of this has been replaced with newer gear, or decommissioned as smaller palletized systems took over.

    © WROL355

  7. From the album: PACNWComms - Misc Photos

    Stacked Motorola mobile radios. UHF XPR4550 on top and older CDM1250 VHF on the bottom.

    © WROL355

  8. Greetings all, There are two AM Radio broadcast (talk radio) stations in my area. One uses three commercial towers and the other uses one, not that the number of towers matters.........or does it ? In my attempt to place a GMRS repeater on the air it has become painfully obvious that I am not able to achieve the antenna height needed to render this repeater to be of much use to most people, including myself, since the maximum range in all directions is just over 7 miles using a 25-30 watt mobile approximately 3.5 miles for handheld use. I noticed that none of the towers that the AM radio stations have, have any (that I can see) antennas mounted to them and remembered learning somewhere, that AM Radio transmitters use the tower structure as the antenna so with that in mind, it’s understandable not seeing other antennas on the tower. But, that got me thinking....... I remember years ago on the opposite side of the county the local AM (country music) radio station and the State Highway Patrol (using VHF) shared a tower and it worked quite well for both parties except for the last 5-10 years. During the end of this setup, every time the Highway Patrol dispatcher would transmit, the music from the radio station would also come across but was at very low levels sort of like “background” (no pun intended) music so you could still hear the dispatcher with no issues. I’m guessing this could have been mitigated with either filters or some form of adjustment but wasn’t since the State was in the process of switching to an 800 trunked system. So, now that I’ve written a short story........... This answer might be obvious to some but as I’m still learning, I could use some help. Can a GMRS/UHF repeater antenna be mounted on an AM radio tower without causing problems for both users? Is there additional equipment needed for either party, other than what’s already in place for the radio station and for the repeater side, the repeater with duplexer, feed line and proper grounding ? I look forward to the always helpful and friendly advice and guidance I continue to receive from the members. J
  9. I didn't want to highjack another thread with this question regarding the RT76P so I'll post it here - What type of radio does the Retevis RT76P seem to be based on? Is it a UHF only or some type of locked-down dual band? Since Retevis claims the radio supports NOAA, I'm led to believe it's some sort of dual band. I say it this way because my radios do not have the NOAA pre-programmed into any of the 30 channels. Maybe this aspect was too much of an expectation on my part (I'm new to this so what do I know) but it does not appear that I can tune the radio to any frequency either. So either it comes pre-tuned or you get to tune it yourself, that's the expectation when the feature is advertised.
  10. I'm fairly new, I'm looking for a nice mobile rig that does vfo, not a big fan of this computer programmed radio, I do operate a baofeng bf-f8, a Motorola m1225 .. Any help would be great Thanks Aleck, WQXQ966
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