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New to the group and have a question for the forum,

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Hello all,


My name is Mike, just purchased my GMRS license last week WRAK968. I've been a Ham(KC2YQW) for some time as well.

I've been checking through the forums and posts here and realized there is no equipment sales section. I found this common with ham radio forums and was curious what you wouldn't want members to have a swap/sales section on here as well.

This mostly came about as I am looking for a used duplexer for a GMRS repeater and I figured it would be easier to find one with the proper specs (and a reasonable price) here than elsewhere.



Thank you PastorGary,


Funny, one would think using the forums search feature the pinned message about staff not being responsible for sales posts would have popped up lol, Tis the only reason I had asked in the first place. :)

So all for sale things will be posted under Miscellaneous then, Ill take a look over there.

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