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member info and a short(ish) story


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Frist i want to say Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone. Iam new to GMRS (WRTJ860) i always used FRS with my hunting buddies and on vacation trips with mor than one vehicle. I have always been a hiker and solo camper, i recently had to give that up for 2 years because of a bad knee, which just recently just had surgery on the doctor told me to give it week or so until i went back to normal walking activities. Well, a few days later they were call for some good thunderstorms and i just had an itch i had to scratch, i dug out my pack some gear a trap, my stepfather lent me a solar powered power bank for my phone and headlight, because i wasn't sure if i was going to stay the night or night or not and i was off. i stayed local somewhere that and easy trail, i even brought trekking poles and i was hiking, i had to find a spot pretty quick because the storms weren't that far away, got the tarp set up, gathered what dry wood i could find, hunkered down made some Raman and coffee and enjoyed the storms and the rain that followed. So, i kind of dozed of till 10pm and got my ass chewed up by mosquitos so i decided to get the hell out of there. i grabbed my headlight and started to tear down and head out, well i slipped on the wet leaves and landed square on my newly fixed knee. I was down, could not get up, oh sorry i did forget to mention that Wednesday of the next week i was to go to the Wound Center at Osteo to have an Offloading cast and Boot put on my right foot because of a nasty wound on the bottom of my right foot that was going to add an additional 2 to 3 months of no hiking, hence the scratching of itch. So, i crawled bac under the trap grabbed my phone to call for help, it was dead, ok no worries, plugged it into the power bank, it didn't work!!!! Guess I'm spending the night on the cold damp ground, nothing to coverup with, no damn dry wood, i did have my Trangia and fuel i could warm my hands parodically. So, about I'm guessing about midnight i switch my headlight to SOS cause I'm still getting chewed up and now I'm getting really cold. i never go anywhere without my Glock 21 so before it gets too late, i know there are houses close (ish) i fire 3 shots into a close by stump hope someone would hear. NOPE. 11am my family members called someone to come look for me since i didn't call and say i was staying the night. The doctor still doesn't know about the trip or the fall. So, that is the story behind me getting my GRMS license now for the member info part. I'm not really asking for the information for myself in a sense I'm asking if anyone on here knows "boli3569 WRCU351" My reason for asking is that i put a request in to be accepted to use his Repeater since most of my hiking is within the range of that/his Repeater the most. I think i saw it has been months since the last time he has been on here and would like to ask a favor if anyone that knew him could give hm a shout and tell him about my request or he is more than welcome to get InTouch with me, if need be. I would super appreciate the help. Thanks, Ron

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18 hours ago, WRTJ860 said:

in a sense I'm asking if anyone on here knows "boli3569 WRCU351" My reason for asking is that i put a request in to be accepted to use his Repeater

You might try writing a letter to the address listed with their ID and providing your contact info.  I know that is "old school", but it might get you a response.   

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