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Connect hotspot to repeater?



I am getting conflicting information on this.  Can I connect a radio hotspot (RF, not digital) to a repeater that has a myGMRS node number?  

My father is getting up there in age and likes to walk around in the woods that has no cell service. I live 500 miles away and would like for him to have a way to contact me if something bad happened to him out here.  There is a nearby repeater that has a node number listed in myGMRS.  I'm trying to figure out of I can build a radio hotspot that can link into that repeater over the myGMRS system.

What I would build would be a Raspberry Pi 3 with an RF hat.  I know I can do this with GMRSlive and link to their national node, but the local repeaters out there are not linked to GMRSlive.


EDIT: myGMRS policy is repeaters only, so I bought a repeater instead.  It works great.

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