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ODmaster Bluetooth read and TD-H3



When I first got my TD-H3 radios I know I was able to connect to the radios with the OD Master phone app via bluetooth and read and update the radio, but I found I preferred CHIRP over ODmaster so I have not used it in a while. But I wanted to test and see if it was working because I wanted to instruct a friend on how to do it for their radio, and I wanted to review the process.

I recently tried to open the app and read the radio settings in... but it is not reading.

  1. I have confirmed that bluetooth is on for both the radio and my iphone
  2. I have the latest version of the app
  3. it will see and connect to the radio in the app as I select it
  4. I have properly selected the radio as TD-H3 GMRS (which is what my radio is set up as) and it recognizes it

But when I hit the button to READ from the radio... the progress bar appears (gray) but never moves... nothing happens.

(several months back I did roll back my radio firmware to 240625 from the 240702 (when TIDRADIO recommended it) Could it no be breading because I need to update the firmware?)

I can't seem to make it read the radio for programming.

any thoughts? Ideas? Similar experiences? Solutions?



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