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Closed Club  ·  131 members  ·  Rules  ·  30.00 USD/year

New Jersey GMRS


  1. Do not share repeater tones to anyone who is not a member of this group. Please direct new users to this group or to request access through the myGMRS repeater listing if the details are not listed publicly.
  2. Follow the FCC GMRS rules at all times. This includes using your GMRS callsign, monitoring before transmitting, not using encryption, scrambling, or other coded speech (other than radio brevity codes such as 10-codes).
  3. Be respectful. No profanity, hate speech, threats, acts of violence, politics, or discussion of weapons. Keep things family-friendly as we have users of all ages who may be listening and participating.
  4. Leave a break of a few seconds in between replies to allow other stations to break in or participate in the conversation.
  5. Give priority to stations saying "break" or "break-break" who need priority use of the repeater for an emergency or urgent message.
  6. No commercial use of the radio system. This is strictly for personal, non-business use.
  7. Enjoy!

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