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Closed Club  ·  656 members  ·  Rules  ·  25.00 USD/year

Midwest GMRS


Closed Club

This is a closed club, some content may be hidden to non members.

About This Club

Our group of repeater owners comprises radio enthusiasts working together on a joint project we like to call Midwest GMRS. From Information technology to heavy construction, our repeater owners and members represent the true diversity of the Midwestern United States. Our target audience comprises IL, IN, IA, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, and WI. Yearly membership covers a small portion of our monthly expenses and includes instant access to the Midwest GMRS Repeaters via our Repeater Tones page. You will no longer need to request access as membership grants it. Please consider joining; it's only $.0.48 a week! Memberships are non-refundable and paid yearly. PLEASE BE AWARE LINKING IS NO LONGER; SOME OF THE PRIVATELY LISTED REPEATERS MAY BE REMOVED FROM SERVICE DUE TO THE NEW FCC WRITINGS. REPEATER SITES' CONTINUED OPERATION WILL BE BASED ON USE AND THE OWNERS' WILL. SOME SITES HAVE GONE COMPLETELY SILENT AS MOST USERS JUST CAME TO TALK ON THE LINKS.

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