This a Kenwood NX-1300AUK5 upgraded with the DMR license, and the enhanced 40 bit ARC4 encryption option license (DMR only and compatible with Motorola's Enhanced Privacy setting), effectively a NX-1300DUK5, so it will do both analog FM, wide and narrow band, and DMR conventional operation. This radio can also be loaded with the NXDN digital mode, which requires another feature license being added to the radio. The radio will do analog FM and either one of the digital modes depending on which firmware is currently loaded on the radio. It will only do one digital mode at a time. I have a collection of NX-200's/300's series radios for NXDN so I don't need that mode in this radio, I'm just interested in DMR.
The radios I purchased have the 400-470 MHz band split so it's a perfect fit for Ham 70cm and GMRS. You only need one radio to cover both services on UHF. Currently digital voice is not authorized on GMRS so the DMR feature is only usable on the Ham band. Although it's not Part 95E certified, Just Part 90, it can be used on GMRS if it's programed carefully. So far the FCC hasn't been clamping down on Part 90 radios used on GMRS but it's not a guarantee they won't later.
One nice feature is the radio can do front panel programming as a standard feature when enabled in the programming software and the code plug loaded into the radio! You can go and read the radio with the programming software and change it. Only the limited keypad version is required along with a display. You also need the software to enter the alpha tag, otherwise it's set as CH-xxx where xxx is the current channel number. Not perfect but many commercial radios you can't program from the front panel at all, or if you can it's an extra cost item and you're still limited to narrow band FM.
I now own 4 of these radios currently. I paid $400 for the new one BTW in the photo. The rest are used but in like new condition. A couple were analog only but upgraded, license key written to the radio, to DMR. Effectively NX-1300DUK5 models. All the radios are now enabled, license key, for ARC4 40 bit encryption as well, about another $30 for it per radio.
I just recently purchased a used NX-1200DVK2 radio in very good condition. It included the base radio, antenna, battery pack and charger base. The price was about half of a new radio. If the radio doesn’t have ARC4 enabled I have a quote to get the feature license to add it in. It’s pretty cheap.
There is a cracked version of the programming software available so you can avoid the cost and hassle of buying a license key and the PIA license manager garbage with Kenwood's servers. You'll have to register (NO COST) and join the group to gain access to the file section. The below link has the cracked software and mostly current firmware files.
https://groups.io/g/kenwood/files/NX Series/NX1xxx-3xxx-5xxx/KPG-D6
Documentation for the radio, service manuals, user manuals, programming manual are located at this link.
The cracked software also allows wide band over the full frequency range too. Otherwise that's another extra cost license option for the programming software you can avoid.
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