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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/13 in all areas

  1. After i sent an e-mail to the Hotel group this morning: I was just contacted by telephone by a female "General manager" of the hotel group in question, she and her group are ready to make the changes necessary to the repeater to become FCC compliant. I spent about 10 min's with her explaining how I and my group had paid for FCC licenses for the Freq. they are on and she agreed that it needed to be fixed. I told her. i had not filed a compliant with the FCC and would not as long as they made appropriate changes in a timely fashion. I also informed her that my group may not be the only compliant with the FCC and that I had no control of any other party or group. She seemed to understand the magnitude of the situation and I told her to call if she had any further questions, but that I could not offer any technical assistance.
    1 point
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