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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/13 in all areas

  1. Well, now - that's an interestiong situation... All you have to do is glue on a couple trebble hooks and an "O" ring and turn it into a surface trolling Musky lure. When a Musky strikes, you can hear it on the other radio that is still in the boat... :D
    1 point
  2. The SP-440 is a 16 channel UHF, 440-470 MHz dealer programmable radio. The PL-5161 is a 32 channel VHF, 136 to 174 MHz dealer programmable radio. Unfortunately, they are not in the same band space. Midland programming software and cables are not commonly found in end-users hands. But, perhaps other members here may have some options for you. P-G =========
    1 point
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