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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/13 in all areas

  1. PastorGary

    Thanks to Rich D.

    Rich - We appreciate the efforts that you have done lately to supply a solid platform for the Forum. While everyone will have to follow your instructions in the advisory pinned above this post of mine, it will be a much better place to exchange info from now on. Thanks again... PastorGary
    1 point
  2. I have a couple of Dakota Alert base station radios. One is currently at my brother-in-law's place, across the cove about 2 miles from here. The radios put out a full 2 watts per my meter. I can cover our little town pretty well with an outside j-pole antenna. Since I do a lot of digital stuff on the ham bands, an appealing feature of MURS is that you can do digital modes. I just audio couple between the PC and radio's speakers & microphones. If I read the rules correctly, you can also encrypt. The telemetry units that use MURS (e.g. http://www.raveon.com/rv_m3_m.html) used encrypted digital transmissions. In our area, there is almost no MURS traffic (and not a whole lot more GMRS). Steve
    1 point
  3. SteveH

    New GMRS Specific HT

    I programmed it for 446.000 MHz and it worked. I'm not sure how wideband the ducky is. Now for the Part 97 on a Part 95 radio debate! Steve
    1 point
  4. Shriekmau

    Coverage Prediction

    JohnE is definitely one of the more experienced members with these types of software. I will message him and see if he can provide some insight.
    1 point
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