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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/14 in all areas

  1. Wlorch11

    Albany ny

    i would love to i could build my own but don`t have the finances right now thank you
    1 point
  2. Logan5

    Albany ny

    Welcome to the Forum William, Glad you are here. Not having a repeater in your local area is very common, and I always like to insert, "Consider starting the first GMRS repeater in your area". I did and it has been fun a rewarding. Depending on your finances and technical capability and or willingness to learn you may enjoy building your own for very cheap. Again Welcome to the forum, Best regards, Jim...
    1 point
  3. PastorGary

    Albany ny

    William - Welcome to the forum. According to the main repeater registration list located here (after login) - https://www.mygmrs.com/ There are no member repeaters registered at MyGMRS in that immediate area. However, perhaps a few of our New York State members may know of something that is not (yet) registered with our group that might be available. We'll stand by to see what they have to say...
    1 point
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