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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/14 in all areas

  1. I purchased one last year. Seems to be reliable enough. The operation is a little odd with the PTT rocker switch arrangement. I also recently purchased and installed a Nagoya NA-701 dual-band replacement antenna. It's tough to tell if this is an improvement over the factory stock antenna, but for only a few bucks it's worth a try. If you opt for an external speaker/mic, you will negate the ability to select transmit on different frequencies via the PTT rocker switch. The only programming software I've been able to find is CHIRP, which works well but itself takes a little head scratching to figure out what you're doing. There are both Linux and Windows versions and it can be downloaded for free. Windows requires a Prolific PL-2303 driver for the USB adapter, and you have to get the correct version, which is not the most recent. Once you set it up on a particular USB port, you must always use that specific port (at least it's that way on my Dell laptop running Win 7). It's actually easier to set up with Linux, as it already has the driver. Li Ion battery life seems quite good. Earlier versions of the firmware were a little buggy. Those bugs had been worked off by the time I purchased mine. Firmware cannot be updated, so those poor souls who bought the first batch are basically stuck. I'd be leery of purchasing a used one. But for the price of new there's little reason to do that. Quirky, but for the cost of a UV-82, a dual band HT, one can tolerate a few quirks. It jerks my chain when you pay a bunch of money for something, and you have to be a software engineer to figure out how to program and use it. My 2 cents
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