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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/16 in all areas

  1. zap

    5 mile + portable radios

    If it is only a part time deal…the group might actually qualify for an itinerant Part 90 repeater. Be a little cheaper but not by a ton (and I'd go to P25 or DMR for expanded coverage comparable to that of wideband analog). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. I have a 14 year old kid in my neighborhood that heard me on his bubble pack radio and called for me. I answered and told him about the GMRS thing. He now listens to ch15, our receive for our repeater pair, and pushes his call button on ch1 when he hears me get home. I talk to him all the time now. I told him to tell his parents what he is doing and keep them informed. He knows who I am and what I do, and has confirmed it with the deputies at his school. His parents are fine with it and he is really getting into radio because of it. I found him a scanner for next to nothing, and have cleared it with his parents to give it to him. He wants to be a police officer and really likes talking with me. I think he is even going to join my office's explorer group. All that from hearing us on a bubble pack radio. Sounds like a next generation radio guy. Jerry
    1 point
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