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  1. WRAK968

    Odd issue with Range.

    Hey Corey, I was thinking that myself, so I switched the jumpers around again and had the same 19.5 reading. So I had an idea, sweep the range until I find the sweet spot... I found it at 450.625 which gives an swr reading of 1.13 on the low side which is backed up by the MFJ tester, I cant even get a low reading on the high side with either meter, which tells me I am not doing something right for the test, but I am gonna go on a limb and say the dang duplexer is still not tuned properly. Sorry if I seem a bit short or anything, This repeater was meant to be a simple home repeater and an introduction to a new side of radio I hadn't had much practice with yet. Just seems frustrating to keep throwing money in but not be 100% sure if it will help. I'll send you a private message about some assistance you offered before, if your still willing to help out. And thank you for sticking around, I really am trying to get this thing off the ground before getting the much more expensive parts for it.
    1 point
  2. coryb27

    Odd issue with Range.

    Is the duplexer possibly tuned backwards?
    1 point
  3. Guest

    VX 4207-7-45 good/bad/indifferent?

    I found it on the FCC website.I am surprised they have a radio that is certified...William
    1 point
  4. I second PastorGary's suggestion to consider used (and abused) commercial equipment. If you know electronics, as in: can build a PC from components, you may be able to save a ton of money. Or may not, could be a money pit too. I went with Kenwood TK-3170 and built 4 working units from the five I bought. I was lucky on the price of the HTs and on the price of some components. When I was buying equipment (I also have three TK-880H and ArgentData simplex repeater) GMRS-V1 did not exist. But if I'd do it all over again, I'd still probably go with used commercial radios. Kenwood software is very easy to come by, user interface is fool-proof, good for non-radio-inclined family members.
    1 point
  5. Steve, as already mentioned by Jones, I would suggest taking a look at the BTECH GMRS-V1, which has repeater capability. https://baofengtech.com/gmrs-v1 The BTECH GMRS-V1 is FCC certified for Part 95A (GMRS) and is therefore legal to use. If you want to learn more about this radio, Miklor, as usual, has a FAQ on the GMRS-V1. http://www.miklor.com/BTGMRS/BTGMRS-FAQ.php The GMRS-V1 can be purchased through Amazon for $54.99 with free shipping, so four of them would run you $219.96, which is well within your $250.00 budget. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LWOLZ8L And if for some reason you happen to dislike the free CHIRP programming software, RT Systems offers its BTS-GMRSV1 Radio Programming Software. https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/Articles.asp?ID=619 The RT Systems BTS-GMRSV1 software requires use of an RT Systems USB-K4Y cable, which can be purchased together with the software for $49.00. https://www.rtsystemsinc.com/BTS-GMRSV1-Programming-Software-and-USB-Cable-p/bts-gmrsv1-usb.htm You could purchase four of the BTECH GMRS-V1 radios plus the RT Systems software and cable for an amount that's just slightly over your $250 budget and you would be repeater-ready for the future. If you acquire now radios that aren't repeater-capable and later wish to use them through a repeater, you would have to purchase new radios. Good luck! Frank.
    1 point
  6. Try the BTECH GMRS-V1
    1 point
  7. Consider Kenwood TK-370G or TK-380 4 watt portables. User friendly, commercial grade and type certified for Parts 90 and 95. Available on EBay from several sellers.
    1 point
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