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  1. I just picked up two UV-82C radios.
    On MURS ch5, set to wideband, they have over 5khz of PL deviation! Yikes!
    (I will check the narrow setting soon)
    Loud humm heard, and it distorts the voice audio.
    Is there a setting in the chirp menu?
    Thanks, Keith 


  2. Why don't you listen on the input, do some fox hunting and locate the offender? It's easy to be brave when you are anonymous. Perhaps everyone knowing who the offender is will make him nervous about getting someone angry
  3. Tom


    The poster (mainehazmt) asked if he 'could' use non-standard repeater pairs, not if he 'should'. The replies were that he can't because the rules say he can't. All I was pointing out is I don't read that in the rules regardless of what they intended, nothing more. Finding the correctly worded rule is a fools errand because it doesn't exist. What I did find in CFR 47 90.173(i) is: (i) In the 450-470 MHz band, the frequencies are ordinarily assigned in pairs, with the mobile station transmit frequency 5 MHz above the paired base station transmit frequency. In the 470-512 MHz band, the frequencies are ordinarily assigned in pairs with the mobile station transmit frequency 3 MHz above the paired base station transmit frequency. But since GMRS falls under part 95 it wouldn't apply. If the FCC wanted to specifically assign 5 MHz offsets, why wouldn't they word it the same way as they did in part 90? Also, notice it said "ordinarily", which implies the rule isn't set in stone. In any event, a part 90 frequency assignment would come via the recommendation of the local coordinator, which GMRS doesn't have. I completely agree in some urban areas where there is GMRS congestion that would cause an issue, but for example where I am located there are only 2 GMRS repeaters located within 100 miles of me. Looking up the posters callsign, I'm sure in Limestone, Maine there isn't a plethora of GMRS repeaters either. So can we agree the answer could depend on your location?
  4. I've purchased over 50 of the UV-82C (FCC approved commercial) units for a school system that has multiple frequencies in both VHF and UHF.. In the year they've been deployed I had one DOA radio out of the box (easily returned through Amazon), 1 battery go DOA after a few months, and 2 chargers break do to user error (they are cheap). The receivers are prone to random noise in VHF but are quiet in UHF. They have worked out well with few complaints. AFAIK, the only difference in the "C" model, is the keypad can be disabled in the CPS to prevent random frequency changes by the end user.
  5. Tom


    Hello, I'm new to the forums but not new to GMRS. Although you'd want to use the standardized repeater pairs if you want your repeater to be easily found and accessed, I'm not aware of any FCC rule that specifies a 5 MHz offset. Referencing 47 CFR 95.7 (a), it says: (a) Channels or channel pairs (one 462 MHz frequency listed in § 95.29(a) of this part and one 467 MHz frequency listed in § (95.29(b ) of this part are available to GMRS systems only on a shared basis and will not be assigned for the exclusive use of any licensee. § 95.29 Channels available. (a) For a base station, fixed station, mobile station, or repeater station (a GMRS station that simultaneously retransmits the transmission of another GMRS station on a different channel or channels), the licensee of the GMRS system must select the transmitting channels or channel pairs (see§ 95.7(a) of this part) for the stations in the GMRS system from the following 462 MHz channels: 462.5500, 462.5750, 462.6000, 462.6250, 462.6500, 462.6750, 462.7000 and 462.7250.(For a mobile station, control station, or fixed station operated in the duplex mode, the following 467 MHz channels may be used only to transmit communications through a repeater station and for remotely controlling a repeater station. The licensee of the GMRS system must select the transmitting channels or channel pairs (see§ 95.7(a) of this part) for the stations operated in the duplex mode, from the following 467 MHz channels: 467.5500, 467.5750, 467.6000, 467.6250, 467.6500, 467.6750, 467.7000 and 467.7250. Although 95.29 refers to channel pairs, the way I read 95.7 is that is as long as your input and output are any of the frequencies in the separate approved lists you are in compliance. Am I missing another rule?
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