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About WRVZ494

  • Birthday August 7

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    Southern California

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  1. I have that on order - I was wondering how I would deal with the charging issue while overlanding/camping/etc and now (hopefully) it is a non-issue! Guess it would have been nice had I waited 2 weeks to buy the radio as I could have bought the new models but oh well.
  2. Yeah that one threw me for a loop - one of the local repeats has a really short hang time so I thought I wasn’t hitting it until someone answered me. The other repeater has the typical repeater hang time that I expect (from working with LMRs in the military/Air Force).
  3. Yeah I was doing that today check the local repeaters here in my area over near Red Rock Canyon State Park - unfortunately for 99% of the time in the back trails I couldn't hit anything. The day before I was able to hit both repeaters in the California City areas and I did get to chat with the repeater owners which was cool. The really funny part of today I had setup Zello to monitor @OffRoaderX's channel and I DID hear that a couple of times when I had like one bar on my cellphone. I was all excited thinking my GMRS radio was hearing something.
  4. I just watched your video on that yesterday - yeah it's one of those weird things you kind of want it quiet so when you need to use it the channels are available. But if you want someone to test with it makes it complicated - well not really buy two leave someone at home and call back! In my area it seems to be dead during the week and picks up on the weekend.
  5. Thanks at least I wasn’t searching wrong! I take a ZOLEO with me when I’m out there well anywhere outside of normal cell coverage. The next time I heard out there I’ll definitely test things out and see what I can connect to. Just didn’t know if someone already knew of one.
  6. Hello, newb here, I did try to search so maybe this hasn't been asked before and is appropriate. Is there a GMRS repeater that provides some coverage in the Death Valley National Park area? I tried to search with the map feature, and if I'm doing it correctly, it doesn't appear there is. But I figured I'd as and it was a reason to post a question!
  7. Yeah I was wondering the same thing. Didn’t even think about it when I created the account on the site and then I noticed other people had unique display names. I haven’t seen any way to change it. I’ll have to look for an FAQ or something in case there is a way to change it…
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