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SteveShannon last won the day on September 9

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About SteveShannon

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  • Name
    Steve Shannon
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  • Location
    Butte, Montana
  • Interests
    High Power Rocketry, electronics, shooting and firearms technology

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  1. Smart people do. Smart people also understand that there’s a lot more to the science than meets the eye, that limited data and shallow assumptions are not the same as science, and that scientists must always be willing to admit that they don’t know what they don’t know.
  2. Get a good power supply rated to provide 13.8 vDC at least 30% more current (amps) than you think you need. I like Samlex. Others on these forums have had good experiences with Astron and Meanwell.
  3. LMR400 has a foam dielectric which is easily crushed. The cable clamps shown above can be used if you use enough and don’t tighten them excessively. But for long vertical runs cable grips are better: https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/tmv-hg-400t?seid=dxese1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3P-2BhAEEiwA3yPhwBQFfsHloWHuY750CdbwhKPstOsOuQFcAUln4HS7V3X9C65I_PFpuBoCIysQAvD_BwE
  4. Maybe you’re not really seeing the repeaters that you think you’re seeing.
  5. If you can see them but cannot contact them there’s something wrong. Try just listening on the right frequencies with no tones/no tone squelch. Once you have listening figured out then work on transmission.
  6. In many cases this is because we have little money. We are not allowed to charge for any amateur radio services (rightfully so) and the reason we become a club is to share enjoyment in the hobby. Members often pay for things out of their own pocket just in order to make things happen while the majority of the club membership sit back and enjoy the club activities. The OP might be better off donating some tower space in exchange for a tax deduction.
  7. If this is a serious question, and I think maybe it is, you should find an independent hearing aid center and ask them to diagnose your hearing aids. If they both stopped working it is possibly related to wax blockages in both. I assume you tried new batteries, but maybe that is a bad assumption and maybe you even have the new hearing aids that do not have replaceable batteries. If you get them fixed that’s great, but if not, Costco and other places have hearing aids for a much more reasonable price and don’t believe the marketing hype that says the difference in price is worth it. Look at Consumer Reports to see if they have published a review of hearing aids. Radio #1 guy needs to put the antenna back on. The second word in your story is correctly spelled “two”. You can click the three dots and edit your post.
  8. Exactly! At least a sense of humor, even dry, is enjoyable. That other person is more like the obsessed person who stands on the street corner shouting at passersby and waving a sign that says “Repent, linked repeaters! The end is nigh!”
  9. I agree; I want to avoid buying from an unknown vendor. I’ve seen that Haloid has them for right about $1,000. I’ll look int used-radios.com also. Thanks!
  10. Respectfully, I disagree. Although using the cigarette lighter jack is convenient for very temporary use, that also constrains you to a radio that has lower RF output power. I would simply add PowerPoles to the power cable to make it easy to remove a radio and take it into the house.
  11. After hearing a few recommendations for the Motorola Quantar, a repeater that’s no longer in production (afaik) where is the best place to buy it?
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