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SvenMarbles last won the day on January 11

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  1. It’s not in any order of offense, because it technically isn’t even law. It’s FCC rules.
  2. Are we worried about a field search of the FCC police? I wonder why so many people running LMR Motorola aren’t so skiddish,.. Or nearly EVERY gmrs repeater setup, running on Motorola. All type cert scofflaws.. If you have your Gemers license, and operate on the gemers frequencies, nobody cares….
  3. There's not much of a controversy.. You can be a "good boy" for literally noones's sake, because nobody cares, FCC included. Or you can just get on with having a radio that services you better..
  4. Unlock the radio and then you dont have to skip 8-14. plus you can add the ham repeaters as well as police and fire for monitor..
  5. I figured out the eccentricities of Radioddity's own program. It actually works fine. When you set CTCSS/DCS tones, you also have to change the squelch method as well..
  6. It's a little annoying that it even asks about a ham radio call. As if to imply some sort of relationship between GMRS and Amateur radio.
  7. Why would it melt though? It draws roughly 6amps through a receptacle that can provide 10?
  8. Tesla would've put electricity over the air and ruined all possibility of radio lol. Great guy,.. Not a friend of radio though...
  9. Stick a penny in that fuse box and you can power a 100 watt radio with a cigarette lighter plug Just keep transmissions brief..
  10. Yeah I don't really get why the cigarette lighter plug is a knock on the radio. I guess you're not a cool kid unless you splice up your dash wiring? lol The point is that the amp draw of the radio is such that the plug connection is sufficient.. My truck has a bonus auxiliary DC plug down on the middle console. So,.... yeah.. I just plug it in right there.. And now I can have the option of yanking the radio out and putting it somewhere else should I choose. And if you just really hate it, I'm pretty sure a pair of scissors and 10 seconds of time can solve that for you pretty decisively..
  11. I like the cigarette lighter plug and I use it. It's actually part of what I like about it...
  12. Man,.. If people are impressed by Midland IDK what the hells going on . Before GMRS got popular, Midland made $40 Walmart CB radios.. When did Midland become yaesu?
  13. I mean.. It's a loaded question. I don't own "all of the radios" so I can't say for sure. Rubicon probably does lol. But what is "better" anyway? Specs? We're not supposed to be a nerd band theoretically. But I know that a lot of us are. So maybe you care about if the receiver is a superhet receiver. BUT, how does that weigh against the functional advantages of the radio I'm reviewing in this post? Size, the user interface, power draw, etc.. Maybe I can make the argument that this radio is "better" because those are the factors that matter to me for my use case..
  14. I've been operating with a Radioddity DB20G in my truck since Christmas. I wasn't planning to make a fuss over it or type up a review or anything, because I felt like it was a pretty basic, standard, inexpensive, knock around mini-mobile GMRS radio. But after using it for these weeks, I've noticed that I just really like this radio a lot. It does all of the small things right. It may sound silly to some, but I just really appreciate that it uses a big switch on/off volume knob. For a radio that I operate in a vehicle, I appreciate it when a radio isn't "fiddly". I reach over blind, switch it on and set to a comfortable volume in one intuitive and effortless motion. The radio sits in a spot that is absolutely perfect in my truck (pictured in following post). Facing face-up below where my right arm would rest on the middle console. The speaker is powerful and can be cranked up adequately loud to hear comfortably above road noise. I also appreciate that this radio is 20 watts (and actually is) which means that it can safely be powered by a cigarette lighter plug. When you power on/unlock the radio, you have full freedom to program as many simplex and repeater channels as you'd like. I used the included bracket and some 3M hook and loop strips to make it so that I can simply pull the entire radio off to bring it inside for programming, or use it in another application. Reception is great, no breakthrough overload, and reports are that I sound nice talking on it as well. It just hits the sweet spot of preferences for me in a radio for how I want to be able to use a radio..
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