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WRXB215 last won the day on April 25

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About WRXB215

  • Birthday 10/01/1963

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  • Location
    Baytown, Texas
  • Interests
    Two-way radios, programming, hunting, land navigation, camping.

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  1. That's strange, I've never seen that before. Perhaps @rdunajewski was testing a new feature?
  2. This is exactly where I see the GM-30. It's a great radio for that but buyers do need to know what they are getting. I have heard somewhere on this forum that there is a fix for some of the repeater channel issues.
  3. Yep, I think only the extended battery has that. But I'm not even sure about that since I don't have one. I've wondered if you could make one.
  4. It's not uncommon to be able to activate the repeater but not be able to get a readable signal through.
  5. I use plain spelling unless the person on the other end has trouble understanding me. Then I use the NATO phonetic alphabet to clear it up. B and V sometimes get confused and also D and T.
  6. Is there a repeater involved? Are they using the same tones?
  7. @dosw thanks, I usually give that link but had a brain fart this time.
  8. I got a kick out of this one, thought I would share.
  9. "Today is today and yesterday was today yesterday. Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. So, live today so the future today will be as the past today, as it is tomorrow." My head hurts now.
  10. Apparently it's working. I'm a tightwad and I've bought several.
  11. @offroadkid Welcome to GMRS and glad you got it working. Read this to get a better understanding of the chirp columns. It can be a little confusing at first but you will get the hang of it.
  12. I agree except when you have to fight the foliage as I have to where I live. In that case, the extra wattage does help.
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