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Posts posted by WRWD373

  1. Just about every military base I have ever been to has a radio club.  Check out the Ft Hood MWR website or Facebook account to see if they have a base funded repeater.  99.9% of the time, they are happy to have local residents volunteer/donate/participate at events...especially if they are held off base.


    It helps to get the young, homesick soldiers/airmen/sailor/marine OUT of their dorm and out in the community.  It helps morale, and probably lowers disciplinary actions too, I'd guess.


      I'd be very, very surprised if it was a bunch of comm guys setting up their own repeater and locking out the community.  They wouldn't be using GMRS if that was their intention

  2. CB is still pretty popular in rural Nebraska.  The majority of the grain trucks run them around harvest time to communicate with the guy in the tractor, or to organize their dump at the ethanol plant or elevator.

    What has gotten me into GMRS (just got my lisence) is a big local farm operation who owns the section in front of my house went GMRS.  They regularly block my road (I live on a dead end country road), and now I'll be able to tell them I'm coming home/leaving.  This summer/fall was a PITA when I couldn't reach them on cb and they'd be bailing hay and have a semi on the road.

    I suspect we will be seeing a lot more small operations going business band or GMRS in the coming years.  The elevator about 6 miles down the road has ALL of their traffic (semis, tractors, weigh station) on MURS 151.94(?) around their property.

    I just drove into Sioux City tonight, and there was still quite a bit of traffic on cb 19.  So CB isn't dead yet...but from what I keep hearing it might be heading that way if widespread FM adoption doesn't occur.


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