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  1. This is why GMRS licensees need to pass a basic test.
  2. What next? Exploding toilets? Hey if it works, it works. Looks like another Hezbollah "leader" got his 72 virgins last night. Good job.
  3. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was to find out the exploding ray-diddy-o's weren't Baofeng or Quansheng...
  4. I'd hope not...the little children don't need them.
  5. The General Mobile Radio Service isn't a hobby. It's a public service.
  6. Didn't take it personally at all. You don't need others to help you get licensed in this day and age. If you want to get an amateur radio license, it's easy. Just use hamstudy.org If you don't want a amateur radio license, that's entirely up to you.
  7. You need to get out more. I don't know you, but maybe you're just naturally unlikable? Join the amateur radio service if you want. Free test study here: https://hamstudy.org my 12 yr old grandkids passed the test on the first try.
  8. It was satirical. A joke. I was making fun of all the SAD GMRSers.
  9. Sounds like a couple of possibilities. 1. You don't have enough antenna and power to hit the repeater, even though you can hear the repeater. This happens when a repeater is up higher than you, uses more output power than you, and has a better antenna system than you. 2. Perhaps you do not have the radio programmed correctly? TX tone is crucial to hitting the repeater and getting a response. Verify you have the correct TX tone and for troubleshooting purposes remove the RX tone if you have one set. What radio do you have, that might help us, help you.
  10. Just say your number....then if anyone gets pissy about it...give them the whole call sign but say it real fast so no one can understand you....end the sentence with QSL?
  11. GMRS is dying, so Radioddity is bundling the DB20-G with an magnetic antenna mount, handy dandy cup holder mount for the radio, programming cable, and a book about how GMRS can help you family for a mere $89. So I have one on the way. I really haven't noticed a lack of traffic on the three repeaters I can hit from my QTH (location for you non-hammers). Spend freely and support the economy!
  12. As they used to say in TV commercials...."Try it, you'll like it." Not everyone enjoys it, not everyone can do it, not everyone even wants to do it. But it's fun.
  13. Technicians have access to 15m, 40m, and 80m as well...just CW. CW know-how gets you more bands to try.
  14. Oh heck yeah. The Technician is a nothing burger...give the studying another two weeks and you can pass both. Nice job and congrats.
  15. If you want to get a technician license, spent 20-30 minutes a day studying the flash cards and doing sample exams on https://hamstudy.org in two weeks, if you have any retention at all, you'll be hitting the exam in the high 80's low 90's and should sign up for the exam and pass it. Ham Study also offers online exams if you don't want to go to a ham club for the exam. I have two 12 yr old grand kids that did just that, and passed on the first try. It's not hard. There is virtually zero electronic theory on the Technician exam, it's mostly FCC rules and regs and operating practice. It's 35 questions and you can miss 9.
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