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Everything posted by WRWH734

  1. GMRS is also for personal/ family use, which includes repeaters. No one is suggesting adding every portable, garage, experimental, etc repeater to any lists for any general use. Someday, because I'm a nice guy and stuff, I will probably have one that's listed and available for general use. Right now, it's just for family, and it works for me. I appreciate the folks that have nice repeaters setup and open to us all. That is clearly not what everyone wants to do with every repeater setup though, especially when they haven't had their licence for "4 days" lol. If I lived in the city, I wouldn't have rf space for my own repeater. Not everyone does live in a city though ?. And while years ago, I did some other radio stuff and kind of have a base of knowledge from that, I haven't had my license for a month yet... So don't be pissing on us "newbies" parades. Maybe be a good "Elmer" and help a brother out? (Sorry for the ham reference)
  2. Has anyone used the ELEKTRA 2500 or 2000 Repeater controllers? I am trying to build a better mobile repeater setup in an ammo can, and this looks like it will work with basically any radio, has no need for a COR/COS signal because you can use CTSS squelch instead (extra option on the 2500), does CW ID, has a voice option (not interested), and lots of decent tone based remote control capabilities. It does cost more than a kit based ID-O-Matic, but saves the hassle of pairing interface types and/or squelch boards, building it, etc. The squelch controller (extra for 2000 model) can also completely eliminate the tail for strong signals and keep week and/or fluttering ones alive better with it's "smart squelch generator" feature. ELEKTRA 2500 - CONTROLLER http://hamtronix.com.br/prestashop/product.php?id_product=97 http://hamtronix.com.br/prestashop/product.php?id_product=62 http://hamtronix.com.br/prestashop/product.php?id_product=86
  3. Interesting. I have had a few people tell me the default channels on the KG-805G cannot be deleted. Is it possible there are firmware version that do and do no have that limitation? Also, I believe these are field programmable, right? Just not for repeaters or something? I.e. you can manually add a channel that corresponds to gmrs 16 and ctss 1 if you want to using the menu and the diall+buttons?
  4. WRFP399, would you part with one?
  5. How did they get part 95 if these radios allow tx on non-gmrs frequencies and allow stuff not allowed on GMRS?
  6. How did they get that if they let you transmit on non-gmrs frequencies and support stuff that is not allowed on GMRS?
  7. I would "prefer" it be part 95 type accepted, really only because of "some people", but I'm also not afraid of "some people". If I gave a field programmable ham HT to a kid to use that would be a lot different (to me). I suspected most suggestions would be old business radios, and I guess I was right ? As far as I can tell though, the only HTs out there that MIGHT fit my need are either not part 95 type accepted or are crap claiming to be (some probably are). Like Retivis rb87, rb23, rt76, rb17, (all nightmares) Wouxun KG-959 (hard to get and actually costs more than much better radios from Wouxun) - none of which will allow me to delete/disable the standard channels. I will look into all those suggestions. I have never programmed a Kenwood or Icon before, so that is a slight hurdle. The Motorola, as far as I remember anyway, was okay. But if I remember correctly all these old business radios are either 3 or 4 watts and previous testing with different radios were right at the fringe hitting my repeater from his place with 5w and a NA-771G so I am worried they may be just out of range with less power. The rest of the world barely understands what US GMRS actually is still.
  8. I am looking for a HT I can program to only work on my repeater for my grandson. Grandson is a responsible young man, but I get concerned that the cousins he lives with may someday "toy" with the radio. So basically I am looking for something that is not field programmable in any way, will allow me to delete all but the one custom repeater channel I would program, similar to a business radio but for gmrs. The more rugged the better, but ruggedness is not important. Anyone have any suggestions?
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