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  • Name
    Scott M.
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Bremerton, Washington
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, Being in the mountains, and spending money on GRMS stuff.

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  1. God evening, Quick question, Does anyone know of a CB reapir shop in or near Bremerton/silverdale area? I have a cobra ro 148gtl that I would like to get fixed and re-tuned. Thank you in advance WRWJ387
  2. Yeah, I have other folks in in the field equpied with radios. I was able to talk to some bikers that had gotten lost in the mountains, using my Baofeng UV-9G. We got them out ok, I have been wanting to get a mobile for the truck, and this set up is what I decided on, and I spent some time reading reviews also. We shall see. Have a good one. thank you for the reply.
  3. I just received my order of the above equipment and will be installing in my truck this weekend. looking forward to being able to reach out and talk to other operators in the area. I also just ordered a surecom SW-102 SWR meter, as to ensure that have a good match between the radio and antenna. It was a spendy shopping spree. But worth it as far as I am concerned. anyway, you all have a good one.. WRWJ387 Scott M. USN A01 (Ret).
  4. Awesome..,that what I was kind of figuring, but, before i did anything, i wanted some expert advice. Thankyou much. WRWJ387 Scott M.
  5. Good afternoon, I'm fairly new to gmrs. I have 2 baofeng UV-9Gs. I have had them for about 6 months, anyway, the question I would like feed back and suggestions on, is there a mobile gmrs radio that I can put in my truck, and still be able to communicate with the 2 UV-9Gs. I have seen a radio or 2 that states they are compatible with all gmrs hand helds. Thank you in advance for your suggestions. I was also able to help some motorcycle guys riding in the mountains last weekend, that were lost. The distance was probably 10 miles as the crow flies in mountains, heavily wooded, and steep terrian..great little radios.
  6. Thank you for the info. I appreciate it. I will definitely keep that in mind.
  7. ok thank you for the info. With that cleared up, i will go and search for repeaters near me. thank you again, and thank you for the welcome. Scott M. USN A01(Ret).
  8. Hello, I am new to GMRS. I am working on getting my radio set up, but I have questions concerning repeater use, on open repeaters, do you need to request permission to use said repeater? I have been looking at them, and I see open repeaters, permission required repeaters etc. I just received my GMRS License, and i want to make sure that i am doing things correctly. Not trying to step on toes and get into trouble. Thanks in advance for information on this. call sign WRWJ378
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