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  1. How do I join the myGMRS Network?
  2. Ok it looks like i have fixed it on my end, All I did was uncomment the bind address in iax.conf and add my internal IP address. I also modified port triggering for UDP 4569 on my router, now 363 can connect to me. We are still working on connecting to him.
  3. I have made some changes if anyone can test and see if you can connect it would be appreciated... node 20437 myGMRS.com Network
  4. I tried connecting to you, still no luck
  5. Update for anyone with the same issue, apparently you cant connect to another node unless you are on the same LAN
  6. update.... we can both connect to hubs as well as some other nodes and talk to each other but still get connection refused when trying to link both of our nodes together. is there some sort of permission that needs to be configured? Thanks, Gil
  7. Trying to connect node 20437 with node 20436, We both get connection failed when using 3XXXXX but it shows on the map we are connected. We get no error when we use 813XXXXX but no audio is transmitted and the connection line goes red. I have connected my node 20437 to 169 with no issues on transmit or receive. Can anyone try to connect to our nodes and report results back here. It would be greatly appreciated. I am guessing its a port forwarding issue somewhere Thanks, Gil / WRAP438
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