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Everything posted by WRQV660

  1. I want to thank everyone for their help. Mystery solved. I do not understand the mechanics of the whole thing, but when I drove a half mile away from the other radio, instead of walking about 1/10 mile down the road, the radios worked on the repeater. It worked with both an RX of none, and an RX tone of 141.3. Evidentially a block down the road was not far enough. Thanks again!
  2. Suggestion #1: Talking on a repeater with nobody listening? Answer: In trying to explain the problem, I think I made my post more confusing than need be. The second radio I am using is the designated listening radio, to ensure there is a radio listening on that repeater that could pick up my radio check request. Suggestion #2: Set one channel with both RX tone and TX tone to 141.3. Report back with your findings. Also, maybe no one is listening. Answer: I setup a channel on both radios with frequency 462.70000 and a RX tone of 141.3 and a TX tone of 141.3 which gives me the kerchunk on the transmitting radio when I release the PTT button, and then a kerchunk is received on the designated receiving radio a second or two later without hearing my verbal communication. My request for a radio check is not heard on the second radio. Suggettion #3: Try turning off the RX tone...make it no tone required. Then see if you hear the test. The repeater may not be passing the 141.3 tone. And the repeater may be malfunctioning. It almost sounds like a Digipeater. Similar to a regular repeater, but it records your messages, then re-transmits it on the same frequency. Just a guess. Where is this repeater you're referencing? Answer: I turned off the RX tone and set it to no tone on both the transmitting and receiving radio. I still had the same outcome where you get the kerchunk with a static sound on both the transmitting radio and the receiving radio. The repeater is in Wooster, Ohio. On MyGMRS.com it is identified as Wooster 700 Suggestion #4: What radio are you using, and do you have the repeater in a repeater memory slot? You transmit to the repeater on 467 and receive from the repeater on 462. Answer: I am using two Wouxun kg-935G radios. If by memory slot, you mean programmed as a channel in the radio, then yes I do. Correct. The transmit is 467 and receive is 462 (Offset of 5) Suggestion #5: You can't have the radios right next to each other, distance from the transmitting radio overpowering the receiver. Try to get 10 yards or more between the radios. Answer: I separated the radios by about a 1/10 mile and I still get the same scenario.
  3. I have been trying to get two radios to use a specific repeater. The repeater uses frequency 462.700000 and tone 141.3 The repeater info says that tone 141.3 is for both RX and TX. I configured two channels on each radio. One channel using "tone" and one channel using"tsql" to see if that particular setting made a difference. I get the same result in both instances. Here is the process. I ask for a radio check on one radio. Nothing is heard on the other radio at this moment. Now, I release the PTT button and the radio I am speaking into gives me a kerchunk letting me know I hit the repeater. A second or so later, the radio I expected to receive the radio check message gives a kerchunk. I get a kerchunk sound and light indicating I am communicating with the repeater on both radios. However, the verbal request for a radio check never comes across. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Any input would be greatly appreciate. Than you.
  4. I am relatively new to the GMRS world. I am trying to learn more about setting up repeaters on my radio. I have been unable to find any GMRS repeaters listed near me. However, when I am on GMRS Channel 16, frequency (462.575000), I have noticed a short broadcast of Morse code about every 11 minutes or so. I am under the impression this may be a repeater identifying itself. I have tried using two radios set to repeater 16 with the offset of +5 and no tone settings in hopes of being able to access the assumed repeater. I had no luck. I have a Wouxun KG-935g, so I went into chirp and turned on "Scan Mode Tone Detect". I then set "Tone Scan Save" to "Tx/Rx". I waited for the Morse code to begin broadcasting and started the tone scanning for CTCSS. It ran for hours and cycled through the codes multiple times, and never seemed to identify a code. The scan would stop at the end of every Morse code broadcast, and then resume at the next broadcast. After doing this for several hours I hooked my radio back up to Chirp, and looked to see if anything was saved in it since the radio appeared to never stop searching for codes. I found nothing. I then started the whole process over again searching for DCS codes this time, and received the same results. Am I wrong in assuming the Morse code I hear is a repeater? Is my process for trying to scan for CTCSS and DCS codes incorrect. Hopefully my attempt to explain what I am trying to do makes sense. If you have any suggestions as to what I need to do, please reply. Thank you.
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