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JSmith last won the day on October 24 2019

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About JSmith

  • Birthday 07/09/1973

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    Prairievilleieville, La.

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  1. I posted this back in July with pictures …about 6 posts back. Hopefully they get if figured out.
  2. After selecting a repeater from “Browse Repeaters” and selecting “view on map” on the next screen, selecting any icon will display its info, but if you select “view details” (on any repeater) it gives you the information for the original repeater selected in “Browse Repeaters”. 13 ProMax, 16.5.1 (c)
  3. It would be beneficial, when zoomed in on the map, to see the coverage areas of several repeater near each other at once. Being able to see gaps and overlaps in coverage.
  4. "Petitions for reconsideration" are due within 30 days of the rules being published in the Federal Register. The publication is expected for late June, maybe July.
  5. I also have been trying to find away to connect with people on a more local level. I belong to a few GMRS FaceBook groups with people from all over. Until I can find a better way, I have just created a state GMRS FaceBook page (Louisiana GMRS). It is to supplement the national pages and sites like this one. My intention is to allow people to connect and coordination on a localized level. The hard part reverts back to the original issue, finding and getting the locals to join. I guess the best way is to get the word out somehow...so I'm not sure if it's ok, but I'll add the link and they can remove it if not. https://www.facebook.com/groups/547576682098668/
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