Good afternoon all,
As a recently coordinated tech ham/gmrs LID, I had a couple of nagging questions that I wanted to ask help with before I spent too much time and money going in the wrong direction. I will also say I generally understand the concept of tuning an antenna for SWR, and the general rule that the more finally tuned an antenna is to a specific frequency, the more efficiency/performance one would receive on that frequency.
What I am attempting to do is have a home base station and mobile station that has the ability to cover (TX/RX) the following bands with only reasonable performance: 6m, 10m, 11m (CB), 2m (including MURS), 1.25m, 70m (including GMRS frequencies). With that said, I’m trying to figure out what the antenna situation would end up looking like if I am able to achieve this. I have a little-to-no interest in having my log cabin cluttered with unsightly antennas, or my vehicle looking like some Ham-Clampett wagon going down the road.
I would like point out here that I understand that having any quality access to this many bands may end up requiring me to install what I consider to be an unreasonable amount of antennas.
I digress. As I was doing research on the topic, I came back across the concept of using an antenna tuner to ‘tune’ your antenna to the frequency using. This reminded me of the stories of Elmers using an antenna tuner to tune a lawn chair for TX/RX on the 6m band.
Wouldn’t that ability to tune an antenna mean that I could get 1, 2 to 3 quality antennas mounted for my home base station and then with a combination of antenna switch and an antenna tuner, tune the antennas to whatever band I was using at the time?
As for my mobile station, I am assuming I’m going to need 3 antennas to reasonably access and utilize the bands I mentioned, however, I was wondering if the same concept of 3 antennas + antenna switch + antenna tuner would apply for mobile stations that say they have ‘automatic antenna tuning’?
Please forgive the long question post. Any clarification you could give would be outstanding. Thank you.