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Everything posted by WRVY769

  1. does the midland mxt400 have wideband?
  2. The mxt400 doesn't have NOAA channels. I hear no static. Its only when receiving on gmrs repeater channels. I also have a Wouxun KG-XS20G Plus GMRS radio and there is nothing wong with my audio on it. its only on my mxt400.
  3. I am having some issues with my mxt400 about my audio. I can transmit just fine but when I'm trying to receive the audio, I can't hear anything unless the volume is turned up all the way and still it's hard to hear.
  4. yes its 11.9 db gain on 462MHz
  5. I upgraded antenna from tram 1486 to comet gp-9nca antenna because it had double the gain. and my tram 1486 antenna was 30ft off the ground and the comet antenna is 62ft off the ground and I'm not seeing any difference in range. What range should I be expecting.
  6. I will take a look at this and thank you for all your help. 73
  7. what does it mean by is has fairly flat pattern?
  8. Would I receive a directed signal or more of a open signal with this antenna.
  9. this is the antenna. it's a vertical is there a way to direct the patterns in one direction. Comet Antennas GP-9NCA Comet GP-9NCA GMRS/FRS-Commercial Dual Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antennas | DX Engineering
  10. what is some of the other variables. sorry I don't know very much about dB gain and antenna.
  11. Thanks
  12. Would I notice a difference from a 6db gain antenna to a 12db gain antenna I live near some minor hills and quite a bit of trees.
  13. yes, I couldn't find anything on it.
  14. I understand that part, but my problem is that I don't know what GPS receiver I need I can't seem to find one online.
  15. Is there something I'm doing Wong I can hear people talking on my repeater, but they can't hear me. the repeater is located 13 miles away from where I am doing the testing. Any ideas of what's Wong.
  16. is there any way to add a GPS time source to the id o matic iv repeater controller?
  17. is there any way to add a GPS time source to the id o matic iv repeater controller?

  18. Can i put a midland mxt115 on my atv is it water resistant?

  19. Is a 67ft tall gmrs repeater antenna tall enough or do I need to go higher.

    1. SteveShannon


      It depends on the location and on surrounding terrain and buildings.  For many of us a 67 foot tower would be wonderful, but if it’s placed in a depression it might not be enough.

  20. I built a gmrs repeater with 2 kg1000g radios I was wondering what handhelds I should get the baofeng bf f8hp or wouxun kg905g?
  21. Is the midland mxt400 wideband?
  22. Yes.
  23. The radio I was using is a midland mxt 400 it was about 2 to 3in away from my mouth.
  24. Why is going through a gmrs simplex more clearer than a gmrs repeater?
  25. What am I doing wrong with my gmrs repeater when I talk on a radio the on the other radio the volume or audio is low I have my radio set to wide band is there anything else I can do?
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