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Everything posted by Skunkape

  1. Has she found you yet?
  2. I like that. A public service sounds far more valuable to our society than just a hobby.
  3. As someone new to GMRS (a little over a year), other than a couple of guys I wheel with from time to time, I don't know anyone else in the hobby. I am truly grateful for the generosity of you folks who set up open repeaters. I may set my own up, eventually. I can see how it would be disappointing to gain the knowledge and expertise, then invest the time and expense only for nobody to use it. I think people have a very narrow view of what GMRS should or could be used for. I said earlier that for me, to become and stay technically proficient with the radios, I need to actually use them. Sure GMRS isn't HAM, but the radios do have a lot of functions and features. Manual programming takes some practice. If there is no reason to use my radios, I get bored and set them aside until I need them for a specific purpose such as a particular outdoor group activity. Then it's time to pause while I make sure they are set up correctly for the group. If they were being used regularly, proficiency wouldn't be an issue. The time to know how to use GMRS is before you actually need it.
  4. I see you're still trolling. How is that ignore working out for you?
  5. What I said was not intended as an insult, to anyone. You felt insulted because you chose to be. Your reply was intended as an insult. Your opinion of me is no business of mine.
  6. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Will. My name is Roger (no beep). You seem like the kind of person who enriches the hobby. I am not currently anticipating pursuing HAM as a hobby. I won't rule it out though, I can be impulsive. However, it is good to know that there are people like you that can be counted on to offer insight and advice, without judgement.
  7. Thank you for finally offering something constructive to this thread. I may have misjudged you.
  8. I see that you think that the comment about my experience with HAMsters was directed at you personally. It wasn't. It was an account of my experiences. From the behavior of some of the HAMsters in this thread, I get the impression that my experiences are not unique.
  9. What you are doing is called projection. That is a psychological defense mechanism with which a person attributes their own thoughts, feelings or actions on to someone else. You misrepresented facts, you trolled, you were called out on it, and you are embarrassed. I get it. How about offering something constructive to the thread?
  10. Once again; I had a difference of opinion with an "established member". Nothing I said was inaccurate or un true. It has become apparent that he is your Sacred Cow. So, you feel the need to White Knight for him. I get it. Just be honest in your portrayal of why and how this played out. Bottom line is you both got chapped because a new guy not only expressed a difference of opinion, but he also fired back when he was insulted for having that different point of view. I don't care how long you have been posting here. I don't care what level of expertise either of you have. You are going to get back what you give.
  11. It is disappointing that the service is so underutilized. I got in to GMRS in pursuit of my other hobbies. Camping, hiking, off roading, boating, etc.. In my opinion, one critical use of GMRS is emergency communication. Cell phone services have failed in various areas of the country during civil emergencies. Best practice is to be proficient with the system before an emergency arises. Using the system with some frequency, and networking with other users in my area seems like the best way to become proficient. Cell service does inspire a "why bother" sort of mentality when it comes to radio Comms. So far, for me, GMRS radio seems to be a depreciable skill. Manual programming, and management of the various features on the radio takes regular use for me to remain proficient. If I set it down for a month or so, I need to refresh my knowledge a bit.
  12. If you feel the need to calm someone's sensitivities, start with a guy who feels compelled to hurl insults at anyone who has a differing point of view.
  13. I wasn't complaining about anything. I asked some questions about radio traffic in other areas, and made some observations based on my own experiences. An "established member" apparently took offense that my interpretation of the purpose and appropriate use of the public airwaves did not line up with his interpretation. He leveled an insult directed at me for no reason other than my point of view is different than his. If you're going to send it, your better duck, because there will be some coming back your way, no matter how long you have been here.
  14. You make quite a first impression. What is your HAM call sign?
  15. Being the the G in GMRS stands for "General", I take that to have a very broad meaning. So, people can and should use it pretty much for whatever they want, including pointless small talk with strangers who have a similar interest in GMRS radio. Otherwise, the F, in FRS stands for "Family", which implies families communicating in family activities. Then again, I may just be pedantic. HAM, I don't think too much of. I've never met a HAMster, that seemed interested in brining new people into the hobby.
  16. All I ever hear is "call sign, repeater check", or "call sign, monitoring" An open repeater with a 35 mile radius covering a population of at least 200,000. Not a peep. Nothing, nada, crickets. Why is everyone so shy? Is it the same everywhere or does your area have an active network?
  17. I recently purchased 2 TIDRADIO TD-771's. They did not fit either of my UV9G's. They get extremely tight but they don't thread in completely. Is the potential for improved transmission/reception worth the change?
  18. 2022 Ford Bronco Basesquatch. Channels 16 or 19 open. Channel 22 simplex Hard to find good trails in Ohio. I make trips when I can.
  19. I'll assume this has been asked and answered before, but I searched and didn't find it. Does anyone make an upgrade antenna that actually fits a Baofeng UV9G without modifying the radio case? Is such an upgrade for a 5W handheld worth the effort? Am I new to GMRS radio? Of course, why else would I buy a UV9G? It seems like everyone buys one.
  20. I don't care either way. I recently signed on to a repeater. The owner requested that I disable my roger beep. He is gracious enough to open his repeater to all users. I am happy to abide by this simple request. I do find it odd that anyone would have a strong opinion about this, one way or another.
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