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Everything posted by UserNotNamed

  1. Latest update, I have built a package for Linux and am learning about building packages for Win32 and Mac. I needed a crash course on Python, anyway, hadn't had a reason to learn it before. I went back to your original messages and noticed that what precipitated the removal was the request to make the "403" error more user friendly and tell the user they needed the Premium sub. So I fixed that in the code and it should tell the user "Premium subscription required to use this feature" when a 403 is returned from the API. I tested by forcing the message to come up since my account is already Premium and I shouldn't get a 403. I did notice that there does seem to be a problem with the data imported (I think around that cross-tone DCS code issue you mentioned before.) I'll tackle that after I figure out the packaging and make them available. First I have to learn what "cross-tone DCS codes" actually are, I suppose (totally new to radio...) Rich, if you'd like to take the code discussion off the forums feel free to message me. I get the feeling that sort of discussion could put many to sleep.
  2. Okay.. getting back to the chicks.. I guess I need to get me a leather radio holster...or maybe two! I just got started with GMRS (and the speculation about SHTF is spot on as to why I got started) so I only have two Boofwangs so far. I'll probably add a couple more here soon enough (the dreaded UV-5R for sure.) We'll see what happens after that. I suppose it's going to depend on how closely my wife is paying attention.
  3. I created a fork of the current version and reintegrated what Dan removed in January without modification. I was able to get a list of repeaters in Texas (after upgrading to Premium, naturally) and it worked great. I even did a test where I entered Lat/Long and it returned the list in order of distance from that geographic point.. that was very nice! I run Linux on my machine so can simply run the code direct without any special build requirement. But I will try to setup an automated regular build (for Windows and Mac, too) and should be able to setup automation to keep up with changes to the base Chirp app as well. I did manage to rebase the code with two changes to Dan's code from today and tested again successfully. So as drivers are added, bugs are fixed and features added the code should keep up with the latest while still providing the mygmrs functionality that was added back in. I saw that Rich is planning to add a zip code-based location search to the API. I might be able to add that at some point as well if you get that done, Rich. Though, I am not quite as familiar with Python so will have to figure it out as I go. You can access the forked repository on GitHub at https://www.github.com/bsefting/chirp. Hopefully I'll have some Windows and Mac builds on there in the next couple of days. I'll update when I have more, Brian
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