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  1. What are control and fixed stations?
  2. What is allowed and not allowed with duplexing? Can I reverse normal GMRS duplexing (467 as input, 462 as output) like an LMR repeater?
  3. I'm about to get grilled for this am I?
  4. Edit: ok, I'm bad at this game. It was very dumb to ask. Don't even answer it. I never said It should happen or I wanted it to happen or it was going to happen, just a fanatic scenario question. I also should've re-worded some things. You're right, we don't need anything that crazy, though I would at least like a couple more channels personally. I just wanted to experiment and see what would you GMRS/FRS users would think if those situations happened...though they probably wouldn't be as extreme. This is not fixing either, this is an addition.
  5. I decided to get a couple of Kenwoods off from eBay and use FleetSync.
  6. Even though I don't have one yet, I'd like to know how to make my repeater only allow approved IDs through. And I'm not talking about MDC either. Some GMRS and Ham Radios allow for the use of dial tones and unit IDs to access repeaters, and I want to make a repeater for only approved users. This repeater is just for property use only. I don't want the chance of someone finding a way to access the repeater and interrupting our communications, especially when events are in place.
  7. Because I only see one frequency displayed, so it makes me think that it's not a full duplex.
  8. Why do repeater owners in this community never go full duplex and just tone duplex instead? Is it for easy convenience, or laziness, or both? (Not to insult) I just don't get it, we were granted these extra frequencies (467 MHz) that are interlaced with old FRS, and mirrored to the upper repeater-capable channels, why don't we ever use them?
  9. Well, not exactly. I'd like to have the ability to talk to my friends on the system while having it on a more private repeater. Also, this would belong to my system, not patched onto someone else.
  10. We know it's illegal to have cross-band repeaters on GMRS with the intention to use any said GMRS repeater channel as the downlink, but is it illegal to use the reverse method of this? Even on a trunking system as a patched talkgroup?
  11. I wonder if it is legally possible to patch a VHF simplex frequency with digital voice to a GMRS Repeater to chat back and forth between bands and modes? And before you say anything, I understand that using digital voice of any kind is illegal on GMRS but, this would be from another frequency patched to the repeater. And I would like to add, seeing that some GMRS users like to patch their repeaters to the internet through apps like Zello, how much of a difference would this be?
  12. I want to know if there are any open repeaters around my area along with the surrounding counties.
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