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Everything posted by WRXY699

  1. Apparently
  2. I'm glad to contribute when I find something, but sorry my time is locked up with other endeavors. Just thought I would propose this idea if the good people that run this website might have found it interesting.
  3. Do this for a dozen different models and it gets old fast. Also, your average new person to GMRS will not know how to find this information.
  4. And I will certainly recommend this for new users on my repeaters that are looking for radios. My personal interest is in older radios. I have two local radio shops that regularly give me old radios that they were otherwise going to throw away. If I find that they are GMRS approved and in good working order, then I program them and gift them to locals. It can be a bit of a pain researching every model.
  5. It seems that it requires manual research to determine if a given radio is GMRS Type accepted (legal for GMRS use). I think it would be nice if myGMRS.com had a "Radios" tab that contained a list of radios that are type accepted. It could have a link back to the FCC for more information, and maybe comments about requiring proprietary software to program or not. I understand this is a pretty large undertaking, but think if it was opened up for community contributions with a moderation review step, then it could turn out quite well and attract even more traffic to the website.
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