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Posts posted by tdegarimore

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sshannon said:

    I assume that like many people you’re testing by transmitting on one of the radios while the other is close nearby so you can hear it. 
    Transmitting on one while listening on another that’s close by can cause something called “desense”.  What happens is that the listening radio goes deaf to the repeater because it’s overwhelmed by the RF power of the nearby transmitter. 
    Try giving the receiving radio to someone at the other end of the house (or even further).

    Thank you! That very well could be my answer. Thank you for the quick reply. I’ll give that a try.



  2. Everyone, thanks for taking a look at my question.

    I know I have two UV-5R ours. One “GMSR“ version and a F8-HP version. I have been able to get both of them to interact with my troop software. I watch most of Randy’s “not a Rubicon“ YouTube videos.  They have been very helpful.  

    I have a few local repeaters and have set up the tones and save channels in chirp and uploaded them to both radios. I am able to “connect“ I believe at different locations. When could junking the repeaters, I get a strong tail return each time on both. when trying to transmit and listen, I have never heard any voice go through or anyone else transmitting on the repeater. Not sure if I missed something on the set up. 

    The local repeaters name is SLO C.E.R.T. -725 G SR, Templeton, California 

    The frequency is 462.725 MHz. The out and input tones are 141.3 MHz. The repeater type is open system.

     I am a chip software. I have it set up as; frequency 462.725000. Tone mode TSQL and tone squelch 141.3. Duplex is a +5.00000. Mode is FM power is high.


    any ideas why I would be hearing, took a chunk reply, but not being able to transmit any voice through the repeater.


    Thanks for all your help


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