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  1. That’s the roll bar on the JL. It’s flat approx 10 inches wide and spends the entire width of the vehicle. It clears the soft top fine. It’s probably to most horizontal metal on this vehicle aside from the hood.
  2. Is there any reason this would not be a good install location for the midland ghost antenna on my JLU? Not sure why the pics are upside down
  3. so i bought a cheap analog swr meter and my midland mxta26 in 3 different locations on the jeep. I dont have specific SWR numbers but I was able to see relative using same cable and same antenna different locations. 1) Highest SWR tailgate mounted to hinge next to my CB antenna. SWR improved slightly when I removed the CB antenna. 2) Side of driver side cowl next to a pillar. 3) best swr on roll bar. Of course with the 36" antenna the top was completely open.
  4. I have my CB antenna mounted in this forbidden zone. I have not informed my antenna that it is mounted poorly so it happily produces a 1.5 SWR on channels 1 and 40 and on 19 it is 1.1 While I do plan to primarily use my mxt275 for simplex trail communication I am looking at different setups that would allow for more advanced forms of communication in the future. I really like the idea of the roll bar mounted antenna but without any data it looks like I either become the guinea pig or follow the masses. I am fairly certain that my soft top is invisible to the radio waves. There are metal support bows but they are smaller than the a-pillar that would be next to my hood mounting location.
  5. I asked this in the Jeep forum but those are jeep guys not radio guys. Radios need a good ground plane and need to be mounted as high as possible. In my jeep It seems I can have one or the other. I have a 2020 Wrangler 4 door. The roll bar on these is wider than the previous body styles. Most people mount their antennas beside the hood on these. I think I have enough room for a 3db ghost antenna between the roll bar and the top. My question is this: Would you rather have a 3db antenna on the roll bar up high or a 6db antenna by the hood?
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