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Everything posted by Emsflyer84

  1. Thanks, I’m a little concerned over the power, it’s rated for 10w output but users say they are really only getting 3-5 watts. We’ll see.
  2. I did see the Retevis and there were some good reviews and others who were let down with the power, etc. open to all options though.
  3. Hey all, I’m new to GMRS but been in the Ham game for a bit. Recently some of my buddies took an interest in GMRS and are getting licensed. I’m thinking of putting up a repeater at my house since I already have an antenna mount and coax cable up on my roof, where my current Ham antenna is. I’m looking for the most simple way to set up a simple repeater using one additional antenna on my roof. At the same time I can’t justify spending thousands just so my friends and I can chat. Looking at a few options. First is the Midland repeater-in-a-box: https://midlandusa.com/products/midland-mxr10-repeater Second is this gadget which I came across by accident, can’t find much info on it: https://kleinelectronics.com/flex-professional-repeater/ Third is this unit consisting of a couple Mororola radios. But I’m not sure if it has a duplexer or if I’d need two antennas. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285485485142?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZIH74GuxSLC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GJxbJs7qTe-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Any advice here or other suggestions would be idea. Simple and compact is what I’m going for here. The more “plug and play” the better. Thanks!
  4. So, plying around with scanning in my house, haven’t had this issue yet so could be car related.
  5. Thanks for the reply. I played with the squelch and turned it up with the same issue. The strange part is it happens on whatever the last channel I was using. If I was on Repeater 15, then when I start scanning it stops randomly on repeater 15. If I was on GMRS 1 and start scanning, it will randomly stop on GMRS 1, etc….
  6. Hey all, new to GMRS and got my first radio, the BTech GMRS Pro. Still trying to work through all the features, but I had a question specifically on scanning. If I don’t do anything except program a couple local repeaters in, leaving all the other factory programming alone, what is actually being scanned? I know there are several banks I can program, for example I think I can program any VHF channels into another bank, just not sure if it scans everything by default? Do I need to tell it what to scan? If I just press scan is it scanning all the GMRS channels and repeater channels? Also, hole scanning I’ve noticed it will stop randomly like it’s picking up a transmission, but always on the last channel I was using. In this case below, I has been using GMRS 1, then I started scanning and it randomly stops on GMRS 1, like the squelch needs to be adjusted, but I messed with that and it still does the same thing. Any thoughts on this? Thanks all! IMG_3910.mov
  7. Ha! Funny I just watched one of your videos ref. Your phone or Grindr for accessing random people, great content by the way! I’ll be subscribing.
  8. No problem, doesn't seem like there is too much active GMRS use in my area, but plenty of active HAM clubs.
  9. Thanks, this all makes sense, and I'll stick with ham for casual conversations and keep my GMRS for my group off-roading trips, etc.
  10. Ok, so I’ve been using Amateur radio for a while now, not a heavy user by any means and still consider myself pretty green in that field as well, even though I’ve had my license for a few years. Just got my GMRS because I joined a local off-roading / overland group and GMRS is the radio standard for group rides. Now I’m looking to get more into GMRS but I’m finding out a few things….. Seems to me like GMRS is really better for specific use cases, when more then one person who know each other are using the system for a specific purpose. There are a few open repeaters around me but it seems like I need permission to use them. I’ve requested that but haven’t had any responses. I get the logic, the repeaters are privately owned, sometimes for family use and people might not want a bunch random people taking up their air time. So the sense I’m getting is that GMRS isn’t so much for random people like like me to jump on and chat with strangers. Just getting my feet wet and curious to learn more, let me know if I’m on track here!
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