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Everything posted by WRYY364

  1. Thanks. Just trying to figure out which term applies to opening the receiver. It would help if Wouxun's manual employed the same terminology as their software, at least. As the radio comes from the factory there is nothing set for either decode or encode for any of the channels, so basically the radio is good for simplex, but not for repeaters (which makes sense). I'm going to go with enc to send the tone and see if that works. Then I can get in on all the conversations about the weather, etc.
  2. Sorry to revive this thread. Trying to program my 805G for local repeaters, but CHIRP doesn't work, so trying to figure out how to program split tones on the factory software. Basically there are two columns on the channel table: QT/DQT Dec and QT/DQT Enc. These appear to be the only places I can set tones. They have pop-up CTCSS and DCS tones in the same menu. This is nomenclature I have not seen anywhere else. So which one do I need to program to set the tone to open the repeater? I think I have seen at least four different ways to characterize tones, and I'm sure someone out there has dreamed up at least four more... TIA
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