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Everything posted by WRZF693

  1. Agree. I have the GM15 pro and have had really good luck with it. I'm about to give it to my buddy after I receive and test my new Wouxun kg916 I just bought from Bettersaferadios.. Can't wait to see how it does. The GM15 pro has been great. Simplex to my friends Tidradio we were able to talk no problem at all in a semi suburban small town here at 4.3 miles and it's kinda busy with strip malls and lots of trees, etc, but he was straight down the road. We could hear each other like we were right next to each other with just a tad bit of static. I also monitor the NOAA weather channel which I think comes from a town 30 miles away and it sounds great too.
  2. It would be cool though.
  3. Hi radio folks. I'm not a Ham yet, but considering it. I'm a geek partially and I think I would enjoy the hobby, plus Iw ant to be able too talk on the VHF frequencies that an HT would entail. That said, I'm also wondering about the HF frequencies. I saw a chart about HF and it looked like it was mostly to do with Morse code or using a piece of hardware and computer software to talk on HF frequencies. Can you just buy a radio and antenna and talk on some HF frequencies? Hope that's not a dumb question. I am thinking that I'm a disaster it would be nice to talk at distance to receive and give information.. I would be interested in joining for instance a search and rescue group or something to that effect.. Thanks in advance Tim..
  4. Thanks so much. Much appreciated.. I needed this advice.
  5. Interesting. Thanks so much. I thought, but don't know since I'm new at all this that the super heterodyne radios were supposed to be superior at Rx and TX is the reason I asked about the same. Appreciate it very much.. Tim..
  6. Thanks man. I never even thought it could be cheaper. I really appreciate it. I just started down this rabbit hole.. I have my GMRS license of course, but will probably get my technician license because I want access to the VHF frequencies and others as well.. Thanks again.. Tim .
  7. Thanks man.. Really appreciate it..
  8. Anyone have the Yaesu ft65 / 65R radio .. A ham radio. ??? Also, can it be unlocked to use on GRMS, MURS, FRS, etc..? Is it super heterodyne as well? All of the reviews say it's a great radio and it costs like 125 bucks which I thought was reasonable all things considered... Would make a great put in a 3 day SHTF bag.. Thanks folks .
  9. Thanks everyone. I guess I'd be better off using the radios I have with a better antenna, but I still might buy the tidradio hd8 because it at least can be unlocked in an emergency and then the ham and other bands used so that you only need one radio to communicate with everyone. Which to me is a great feature.. I'm sure there are other radios that will also do this, but Tidradio actually wrote me and told me how when I asked. I had already bought a 2 pack of their GMRS radios and they have worked great. I am able to get about 4.3 miles via flat ground mostly, although I live in a sorta bowl and some woods and we were able to talk no problem with just a little static, but still very understandable which is all I want.. I don't understand why in this day and age all radios aren't IP 64 and USB C chargeable. It would seem that wouldn't be that much extra to manufacture? Thanks again folks..
  10. Thank you my fellow Hoosier! Appreciate it very much.. Interesting..
  11. Thanks.. I might just carry a battery.. Appreciate it.. Very interesting to see what everyone's solution is.. Appreciate it.
  12. Thank you sir.. Appreciate it.. Never thought of that.. Very cool..
  13. Thanks so much.. Very interesting..
  14. Thank you kind sir..
  15. Thanks.. I never thought of that.. Appreciate it.
  16. Does anyone know of a solar charger and battery for instance for a mobile GRMS radio to use in the field for instance? I know Midland for awhile advertised a portable GRMS radio that I think was 15 watts, but I see it's been discontinued of course before I received my license. So, I'd like to be able to take a small mobile radio in the field with a back pack and mobile antenna and use a battery of some type that doesn't weigh so much you get a hernia because as they say in the Army ounces become pounds when you're on foot. I would use it for camping as well as it would make a great way to contact others in the boonies! Just wondering if there is such a critter ? Thanks in advance.. Tim
  17. Thank you Steve.. I might just have to get the Wouxun or the TidRadio HD8.. Looking at both now.. Tim
  18. Not enough information my friend. Do the local repeaters have Codes for CTCSS or ? DCS? If so, you'll need to insure you use those. Do you know the frequency that the repeaters are using? Randy who is on these forums as well as others, but I use his YouTube channel and it's been great for info. Check out his channel and he has a video or two about how to connect to repeaters. His channel on YouTube is called "NotaRubicon" I do believe that's how you spell it. His name is Randy and he's really good at this stuff, but there are loads of people on YouTube that know this stuff inside out. Remember also, you can have everything setup correctly and not be able to contact the repeater because of obstructions and distance. Not trying to sound snarky, but it's true. I have a repeater about 30 miles away and I can get the kerchunk, but no one can hear me.. Now, if I get a little closer by about 5 miles on top of a hill I can use it.. So, this could also be the problem. The only way to tell is get really close and see if you can hit the repeater.. If you have a 5 watt radio and there aren't too many obstructions you should be able to hit it at a couple miles I would think no matter, but I could be wrong. Again, youtube is your friend.. I have the same radio by the way and I like it.. It's not perfect, but so easy to use and so inexpensive! Good luck!
  19. Thank you so much.. Any recommendations on a mobile antenna to use for such a radio that I could just stick out the window ? Thanks in advance.. Really appreciate all the answers here! You folks rock!
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