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Everything posted by WRZF693

  1. Thanks everyone for the answers. I tried to add reactions to everyone, but the forum software said I'd used up all my reactions.. Strange.. Anyway, it's 4 miles to my buddies house, but we have some property out in the country we want to be able to talk to which is about 33 miles away from the building as the crow flies.. Hence the reason for wanting the repeater. I may do what someone on here said and just get a 50 watt mobile radio.. I think that might be a better answer.. I'm not even sure then I can reach that distance, but it will be fun trying! Thanks again.. I'm learning here slowly!
  2. I finally figured it out folks.. Thanks so much for all the help! Regards Tim
  3. I'm such an idiot.. I thought I said what radio.. My bad. It's the GM15 pro! I saw your video and a couple others, but it didn't work with my radio for some reason.. ?
  4. Thanks everyone.. I'm afraid that I'll buy a fake if I do so on Amazon.. I'm trying to figure out now where to buy one! Anyone have any recommendations? Thanks so much in advance. Tim
  5. Hey everyone.. I have watched videos where people reset for lack of a better word a GRMS radio so that you can program to tx on any channel even out of the GRMS channels. Not that I would ever ever do such a thing, but knowing things is good stuff.. Anyone know what combo of jey presses and radio trickery is needed to do such a thing? Thanks in advance. Tim
  6. Hey everyone. What is the best radio ( Beufong GM15 ) replacement antenna? Brand and size, etc? Any recommendations?
  7. Thanks. everyone for the help. I got it to work .
  8. I was able to get the GM30 software to work with my GM15. Beufong radio..
  9. No programming software. I couldn't get it to work.. Both the beufeng radio and my tidradios both require I update the firmware, but each both radio's firmware will not work on my Windows 10 pro laptop PC for some damn reason. I've tried two cables and both can't connect or read from either of my USB c ports. My pc has two of them. They show up in the software, but it times out and says no connection even though I'm trying to update the firmware. I even tried chirp and it didn't work, and I tried the radio companies proprietary software and no go either. It shouldn't be so hard for sure. So, I resorted to working using the key pad on both radios. I like the Baofeng radio GM 15 better though as it has a longer Abree, I think the name is antenna. This stuff could make a tree man crazy.. :-p Thanks in advance.. Tim
  10. HI Folks.. Now that I have GRMS and see the strengths and weaknesses of the same I kind of want to explore ham. Especially the ability to talk on the HF frequencies which are the longer range frequencies I understand. That said, I don't want to spend thousands of dollars.. Is it possible to take the test and get the technician license and use two handhelds on HF bands which is I think called the 10 meter and or 6 meter band? Is iit possible to talk say a hundred miles with those frequencies via handhelds of say 10 watts and do they make handhelds for the HF frequencies? Or, do you have to spend your life savings and pay off the national debt to buy a base station to use those frequencies may I ask and do you have to have a tower in your back yard 500 feet tall with a 100 foot antenna.. Thanks in advance.. Hope my questions aren't annoying.. I'm just really curious. Best regards and thanks in advance. From the heartland. South Central Indiana. USA Tim
  11. Hi guys and gals.. I have a question or two about offset? First, what it is and what is it used for? Do I need to manually set it? I tried changing it and I just the very irritating "Cancel " message when I hit the menu to confirm as you would normally working with the menu items. It just says cancel and doesn't save any value I put in there manually with the keypad on the radio. My thinking was that the offset was the difference between the transmit and receiving frequencies with a repeater and had to be manually entered? Is this totally wrong as I'm sure it is? The manual sucks. It says how to edit the offset but doesn't explain what to do manually if it cancels on you.. I tried doing exactly what the manual said which was press menu, then enter the number to get to the offset menu which is like 31 and then enter the offset and then press menu again. Did not work? Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks so much in advance.. Nice forum.. Tim
  12. Hi.. I have 3 radios.. Two Tidradio ht8's I think is the model and the one I'm referring to here is the beofeng GM15. I really like it. It's just easier to work with it seems and has a bigger antenna, etc.. I'm going to use the Tidradio's as FRS radio's I think.. for my parents..
  13. Hi Again folks.. Question for some of you technically oriented folks.. I can't hit any repeaters where I live. They are like 35 plus miles away and there are many woods and forests and factories and such in the way. So, I want to be able to talk to my buddy and try to extend the range for both of us. He has a really tall building downtown in my small town that I can use as he's given me permission to do so. I'm thinking I'd like to use a mobile 50 watt radio as a repeater. Do I need two of them? Does anyone make a mobile type radio that has a duplexer in it for such use? How hard would it be to setup two radios at 50 watts to use as a repeater? Is it possible to use a solar panel to power such radios ? Any help would be most appreciated. If you've done this, please let me know and tell me about how well it worked.. Even if not 50 watts and just a simple repeater. I'm also considering just using a much better antenna and two 5 watt radios in an ammo can or something with a tall antenna.. I just don't know how well it would work.. ? ? ? Thanks folks... Great forum! Be well and be safe. Tim
  14. Hi Folks.. I have a question.. What are split tones and how do I use them? Also, I noticed when I asked permission for a repeater, it shows that the repeater uses two different frequencies.. How do I use my radio to transmit on one frequency and listen on the other? Is this split tones? Also, the person who gave me repeater access sent a reply via email with the two different frequencies and then listed DPL some number.. for both frequencies? Is this the DCS Code ? What is DPL ? I have a channel that is a repeater channel for one of the frequencies, but I don't have a channel that has two frequencies so I'm stumped how to do this.. Any help would be appreciated ! Sorry if this is a dumb question.. Thanks in advance.. Tim
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