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Everything posted by WRZF838

  1. The 5RM also does air band and is a triband. My 5RM came unlocked fresh out of the box, plug in freqs and you're off. I've found 1 discussion alluding that the AR-5RM is firmware locked to ham freqs and can't be opened up. Otherwise I'm pretty sure they're the exact same radio.
  2. The 5RM also does low/med/hi TX.
  3. Scamp? Casita? Escape? You could take a leaf from the Hams, get a telescoping flag mast, throw an antenna on the tip, zip tie it to the tongue jack and run it up to full height. There was a post earlier this year about Oliver making it into a Ham magazine can take a peek at some of their pics of setups. https://www.fiberglassrv.com/forums/f83/amateur-radio-and-the-fiberglass-life-100625.html
  4. Tested for Ham Saturday Nov 25 2023, 9am, Thanksgiving weekend. Got notification from FCC at 11:09am Monday NOV-27 that payment was required for the application submitted for me on behalf of ARRL. Paid within 30 minutes, showed pending immediately after on FCC website as well as bank account for the rest of the day. Received an email from Hamstudy.org that my callsign was issued at 3:05am Tuesday NOV-28, which I assume was automatically generated upon approval/completion of payment. Edit: Posting is hard, meant to quote the part about yeah that's ham, question was on GMRS. Seems like they're the same process except ham adds the test results submission as the application vs someone selecting an Apply button. Timeframe a month apart for 2 different licenses ran the same
  5. This sounded super familiar as that's how it was where I'm at until about 2 years ago, then I looked at your location lol. Though for me it was a rusted out rotten windstar instead of an Econoline.
  6. I applied/paid around 9am on a Friday (Oct-27-2023) and received my license email at 3:34am Saturday.
  7. Saaaaame, I passed my tech on Sunday with only 1 wrong answer, tried for general with zero studying and got 18/35. I plan on studying for both general and extra so once winter hits full force and I have time to kill, I can go test again and try to knock out both at the same time. I'm annoyed with myself for not thinking ahead and being in a rush to at least have my tech.
  8. I just assume Fedex will be at least a day or 3 late in my area, I'm not even far out from the city. Everyone else can make it here in a relatively timely manner, even USPS, but Fedex, I'll just be happy it shows up period. I'll only ship fedex if the delivery address is someone I know and they specifically ask for it for their region.
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