Okay and thank you for the follow-up. I will order that antenna today, get me a 6 footer mast, wires for the grounding and a coax. I'm debating if the coax I will get is the LMR-400 or if I can find the old RG-8 "mini" that I use to use a long time ago on AM radio. That was anexcellent wire for the money I use to pay which wasn't alot. I was looking very close to the new RG-8x (mini).. That was not the way how thy did it before. The white part us to be with teflon and the braid was 99% close copper. Looks like they went cheap. If I cant get one, what would you recommend for a 45 watter GMRS.
BTW: I was also thinking about getting this too for my car with a magnetic mount. Any takes?