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Everything posted by muthabord

  1. Thanks for the quick replies!
  2. Hello all. New here and learning every day. I have a question about how to correctly enter, in my case, repeater DCS codes, but in general how to translate the codes from sites like myGMRS.com. If I want to add a repeater and the TX/RX Tone is listed as 205 DPL. Do I understand correctly, according to the chart below, that is the same thing as a DCS code (34 or D205N). Do I enter the tone as 34 or D205N or does it matter? Likewise for CTCSS codes. If a code is listed as 173.8 PL. If I am correct that's the same thing as CTCSS code 32 or 173.8? FYI, I have a Wouxun KG-Q10G and Baofeng GMRS-9. Thanks
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