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Everything posted by arn

  1. I understand my confusion, thank you.
  2. Looking to get other people's input on my plans. I currently use a kg-935g+ and it's great for short distances. I want something more powerful for talking to my buddies when we are not in HT range. I have a few ideas. First I was thinking of buying a Wouxun KG-1000G Plus and using it with an upgraded antenna for a while. Question one: should I instead just get a duplexer and turn the thing into a repeater? Question two: Duplexers have an ANT port as well as a high and low, if you only use one antenna I don't understand what gets plugged into the high and low ports.
  3. Same as i do. Out of the box KG935g +
  4. I went the top of a mountain near me where i can see new york, he lives in a neighborhood a few miles into nj so it is also visible from where i was. At the time there was nothing in the way but he was also using an HT same as mine. I use an out of the box antenna and it is about 9 miles as the crow flies.
  5. Hello all, I currently am licensed for GMRS and have a KG-935G plus which I love to use when I'm screwing around in the woods. A buddy of mine lives about 12 miles from me and though I am at a higher elevation (about 250 feet higher) it is not in line of sight. Just to try, we wanted to see if he could hear me when I hiked to the top of a mountain near me where there would be no obstructions in the way with no success. I am wondering if it would be worth it to get a repeater and a big antenna even though it would not be above the obstructions in the way or if I would have more success with a ham setup and license. For reference, I know nothing about ham I just always hear ham people bragging about how far they can talk. Thanks in advance.
  6. Safe to say that coax is not helping. Id say if possible do what @Sshannon said and switch yours out. If you can’t hear him well you know thats your issue.
  7. Is the ground between you and him reasonably flat? Any large buildings or things higher than your or his antenna?
  8. Sorry if this is beating a dead horse, just wondering what the terrain is like in between your houses. I doubt it would be the issue considering he can hear you well but I guess it is possible if he is transmitting from a valley it could have some effect.
  9. I completely agree with you regarding the "radio police". I also think that the guy who proposed this just wants to turn gmrs into ham on different frequencies. He suggests raising the limit on certain channels to 100w. I could totally foresee the overly obsessed ham guys scolding a gmrs user because they're trying to see how far apart they can talk. IMO. Ham is great and so is gmrs, but they are separate and should stay separate.
  10. I believe that was the issue. I ended up needing to clear user settings because i could not figure out how to turn off radio id. The issue is fixed now, thanks for your help!
  11. I was talking to my father using my 935g+ he is using a uv5r gmrs certified. He noted that before my transmission there are beeps like dialing a telephone. I used my scanner to confirm this, im not using any tx or rx tones so im wondering if this is something i can disable. Its not a problem for me but i guess its annoying for whoever im talking to.
  12. Today I was driving through Franklin Lakes NJ, when I drive I usually leave my 935g+ on scan because it's cool to pick up conversations. As I was driving I picked up channel 20 with what at first I thought was a conversation but I realized it sounded more like a radio show. It was a guy talking about New years eve in NYC and then it switched to a woman talking about something else. Im not sure if this is a common thing, maybe its interference or some dude listening to the radio with ptt held down.
  13. I'm most likely going to buy a uv-5r gmrs and just let family members use it so I can have someone to talk to. I guess its more about the novelty at first rather than the practicality. Can't wait to use these things in the woods.
  14. Just to be clear I need the H.A.M license in order to use the grindr app? Or is that a different license?
  15. North Jersey seems pretty dead in the way of GMRS. Just putting a feeler out there to see if maybe I'm just missing the action or if everyone in NJ is just boring.
  16. I could try, Im not sure how attentive the baofeng people on amazon are. I would assume it is the new version because it is from the official baofeng store and says "GMRS Repeater Capable&FCC certified". This is the link if you want to take a look: https://www.amazon.com/BAOFENG-Battery-Rechargeable-Repeater-Charging/dp/B0BGHXV6Y4/ref=pd_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=ylcNy&content-id=amzn1.sym.225b4624-972d-4629-9040-f1bf9923dd95%3Aamzn1.symc.40e6a10e-cbc4-4fa5-81e3-4435ff64d03b&pf_rd_p=225b4624-972d-4629-9040-f1bf9923dd95&pf_rd_r=57NX6BJKY2KRCJNNC1VT&pd_rd_wg=zYYVn&pd_rd_r=5f0de9b3-645e-4a14-9514-f2217b47bf4f&pd_rd_i=B0BGHXV6Y4&th=1
  17. In my Ebay experience their customer service does very little when you receive a box with SOMETHING in it. As far as they're concerned a bar of gold is the same as a brick as long as it shows up at your door. Paypal on the other hand is not as forgiving for the seller. I would recommend speaking with one of their reps as they will simply withhold the payment or force them to return it. I had a similar situation and Paypal got my $756 back.
  18. Do you know of an obvious way to differentiate the old versus the new UV-5R. I'm interested in buying one because they're rather inexpensive but don't want to accidentally buy an old version.
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