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  1. According to the Northmanproject4007 YouTube channel the 935H works with CHIRP but you have to use the KG-935G+ as your radio. You can find the video short here:
  2. I didn't start this thread to stir up trouble or infighting. I only posted it because I had run across some new information that I felt needed shared. To set the record straight, I'm not totally against linking GMRS repeaters, but when there is a slight band opening, from my house I can hear the same conversation on 5 of the 8 repeater channels. That pretty much forces all local traffic down to 3 higher power channels. If it is allowed to go on as is, soon it will be all eight of the repeater channels. I'm also a ham and totally understand courteous operating is a must no matter what radio service you are operating in. Filling up all the repeater channels with the same linked conversation does not strike me as being courteous operating.
  3. This is from the GMRS Operations Page . It looks like some drastic changes are inbound.
  4. On TH-H3 I had, when I updated the firmware to fix the squelch tail issue the older firmware had, my wattage out dropped to the point my SW102 could not read it. I could tell that it was transmitting by using another radio. I returned that TD-H3 as fast as I could. I'm now using a Radioddity GM-30 and thrilled with it.
  5. I was also wondering that, but figured FRS had something to do with it. I hadn't realized that those frequencies are close to the repeater input frequencies. Makes total sense to me now.
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